The New And Improved - Lisa C Writes!

Welcome to the all new home of LisaCWrites.Com!

If you're a regular (or have been a lurker) you've probably already noticed some of the more obvious changes to my blog. This is something I've been wanting and waiting to do for quiet some time now and I'm so happy it's finally here. I just recently celebrated my 2nd year blogoversary, whoohoo!!!

Here's a list of what's new at Lisa C Writes.

1. Tha .com - Yep, now you can easily find me at And if you haven't done so as yet, go ahead and add me to your reader. Feed Me!

2. LisaC@ - I love getting your emails, and now you can email me at Can't wait to hear from you!

3. New Look - Check out that header! Thanks to my DH and a little CS2 ;) I now have this beautiful header.

4. New Colors - I've given up my pink addiction for some warm variety. Look out for lots more splashes of color.

5. New Discussions - Speaking of color, we'll be having some very colorful conversations around here. As always I love to talk about it all. As a wife, mother, & homeschool teacher there's never a shortage of topics. And you know me, I like to get my "grown woman" on too! Hope you can keep up!

6. Welcome my new guest author!! I'm so excited that my wonderful husband has agreed to guest author on my blog. Now we'll have lot's more for you fellas to talk about and let's not for get the couples, we got you too!

Thanks to all of you who have been loyal readers for so long, you make blogging so much fun. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of all the new changes at Lisa C Writes.


  1. Congrats on the move! I'm loving the header and new look.

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Dayuummmm Girl, and you know I don't cuss. It's sexy and sweet up in here. I LOVE the new look!!! It caught me by surprise.

  3. I am royally impressed Lisa! Step on out there girl, I feel the heat from this blog coming through my computer.

    I am seriously feeling this new look!

  4. Lisa C love the new blog. It looks real classy. Congrats on your anniversary as well

  5. Wow, they site looks good! WOW! I guess we all have to step up our game and get our grown and sexy on!

  6. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Hey girl!! Looks great!!!!!

  7. Hey, thanks for stopping by at my blog! Loved yours, who said mamas can't be sexy? ;)
    Wow, 5 kids homeschooling???! That's awesome! Hope to hear molre from you soon! Bright blessings!

  8. Lisa, your new look is great! I love the colors and layout!


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