It Ain't Over! Next Stop Wyoming! With Barack Obama!

We've got our work cut out for us!
Now it's your turn, Wyoming on Saturday and Mississippi on Tuesday!

I sat staring at the t.v last night, watching as the numbers came in and wondered to myself, is there anything more I can do? What can I do that will make a difference? I want to feel that my voice, my little voice will be heard in a crowd of millions. That what I think, feel and say matters.

Don't You?

I look at this picture and ask myself, is he pointing at me? Is he giving me a charge? And, what if he was. Is he depending on me to do what I can, all that I can, for me. Because who ever wins, I will have to live with it. We will have to live with it like we've had to for the past 8 years. OUCH!

When you say you want change, how bad do you really want it? Ask yourself, what can I do right now that will make it happen?

Here's a start: Stay informed. Get connected. Be responsible, for your outcome. Give, Give, Give abundantly!

And remember these words, Yes-We-Can! Yes-We-Can!

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  1. im glad yawl can follow politics, i feel like its on so much, that something important is going on they dont want me to know about. have a great weekend

  2. im glad yawl can follow politics, i feel like its on so much, that something important is going on they dont want me to know about. have a great weekend

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I want to know what more we can do to. I think he has in the bag unless something very ugly happens. I am upset that Hillary is try to seat Michigan and Florida...

    I am going to stay positive and just say Go Obama Go!, and donate some more money to his campaign.


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