Coming Soon - Memory Lane Monday's

The other day while cruising through my reader, I came across and interesting article about this Rollei Retro Mini Digital Camera. It made me pause for a moment and reflect upon where I found my love for photography. My grandfather was a photographer by trade. And this Rollei Retro reminded me of the camera I often saw him with. My mother would tell me stories of how he would tire the family of posing for portrait after portrait, and the nuisance of always having a camera in her face. I chuckle now to think how my children will probably one day tell a similar story of their father.

I went to open up an old photo album to see if I could find any pictures of Granddad's old camera, but to no avail. What I did find while reminiscing through old photos was an exciting new project for LisaCWrites - Memory Lane Monday's. Each Monday we'll post a new photo and invite you to join our stroll down memory lane.

These photos tell the beginning an interesting story. The pictures were both taken around the same time in Trinidad nearly 30 years ago. Both of our families are from the island and in fact, they lived only miles away from one another. Who could have known then that we would one day meet 3,000 miles away in Brooklyn, NY and one day become inseparable?

Guest Posted by D.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I just love, love stories. Isn't it amazing how close you were to him, all of your life. It seems like you two were destined.

  2. Look pon deh pickney
    Hey, Big up to Brooklyn. I lived in Crown Heights for 17 years. It is indeed a small world. My mom used to meet folks from back home all the time

  3. Mrs. G~ It is truly amazing!!! Our families lived right across the street from each other in Trinidad. One day when we were outside we looked up and saw each other. How crazy is that?

    Ireigal~ Big UP to my fellow Brooklynite!! I lived not too far from Crown Heights. I went to Mahalia Jackson, IS391 and Tilden High. D. went to Phillipa Schuyler, 383 and Erasmus High. Small world indeed.

  4. I went briefly to Erasmus Hall. Man I hated that school. I also had to pass I.S. 391 when I went the store. My mom made me walk miles (with the shopping cart) to get groceries. Yes indeed a small world. Half of my block went to Tilden. I lived on Kingston Ave.

    I went to BayRidge High School, before I graduated in Jamaica.


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