Oh No, Not Another One!

My kids (especially the two little ones) are in LOVE with the Backyardigans. They can't seem to get enough. Little Joshy would bring us the remote and pull us into the den to turn it on for him, he's only 15 months! Of course we know what he wants, Backyardigans On Demand. For those of you who have Comcast you know what I'm talking about.
The funny thing is, I find myself humming the words to the songs everyday all day long. I can't get it out of my head. Even D. has the Backyardagin fever...LOL.
Truthfully I can't complain. I really think it's a neat show for the kids, it's different. There are 5 characters, Pablo, Tyrone, Uniqua, Austin, and Tasha who are all best friends. Yes, I know...those are very interesting names for characters on a children's show, I love it. They go on adventures in their backyard through imagination. Tell me about it, teaching our kids how to think "up" fun. The best part about the show, in my opinion, is the singing and dancing. No, excuse me, I mean sanging and dancing. Those kids be getting they groove on and have mine doing the same. (<-- click the link to see for yourself)

If you have children or know of someone who does around the ages of 2-10 (really 2-whatever) they will love it. You can find out about show listings at nickjr.com


  1. The backyardigans are cute and my grandbaby loves them. She gets right up to the tv and starts dancing when they start singing and dancing. I must admit I sat with her and watched an episode with the volcano sisters I was actually entertained!

  2. My DD is in between the Backyardigans, Dora and Little Bill. I wish I had some stock in Nickelodean.

  3. I've never seem that show - we barely have cable so that could be why. I LOVE those names, they sound like kin folks. LOL

  4. Yeah my son loves the backyardigans!! when he was about 10 months old or something I was flipping through the channels and that caught his eye and he was mesmerized!! Wouldn't say a word until it went off!! Then we got him the DVD's and it was a wrap! now he switches back and forth between backyardigans and little einsteins! I personally like Austin but he's hardly ever there.. hmm I wonder if his parents are together? just a thought... and you know Uniqua is black!! come on, Uniqua! the name says it all!! lol

  5. my little loves word girl, barney and sponge bob. LOL

  6. Anonymous1:13 PM

    i love me some Uniqua! And have you seen the one when Tyrone was a cowboy..."Riding the range, riding the range, let's go riding the range, yahoo!" yes, i watch The Backyardigans waaaaay too much! blame it on my 2-year old niece.

  7. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I love the backyardigans. This show was also created by a black woman!!

    We plan on taking our 2 year old to see the live show.

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    "I'm doing that Yetti Stump."

    My son can't get enough and neither can I.


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