Love Post...#1

Excuse Me.....What Did U Say?

~Kiss him when he is reading. Once in a while, kiss his hands~

~Run his bath water now and then~

~Occasionally, watch a TV sports program with him that you do not particularly enjoy. Fix Snacks~


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I am in love in with my husband, and it's because of the little things. Every once in a while you need grand gestures of love, but sometimes it's nice when he fix supper so that I can write a paper.

    So, yes I owe it to him, to take the time to something that he likes. To make him feel relax.

  2. These are all such nice things that will show your man just how much you care.

    Lisa, you're going to be married for a looooong time. :D

  3. You go Lisa! School these young girls on how to really keep a real man!

  4. Anonymous8:09 AM

    It is always the simple things that can bring a smile to ones face.

    You hit it on the head with this one.

    There is great joy in simplicity.

  5. Men love to teach! Sports is another subject my hubby is most knowledgeable in. So, like a good student I learned well. Now I can shout at the television too!

    Just think, when we were dating our men we would do anything to spend more quality time with them. It's a shame most women don't follow through with this after they're married!


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