Field Trip to the King Center!

A few weeks ago we went on a field trip (to the King Center) with our homeschool group.

I'm ashamed to say that this was our first time visiting the center (as a family) since I've moved here, almost 18 years ago from Brooklyn, NY.

We had a wonderful time! The kids enjoyed themselves thoroughly and are looking forward to our next visit (which will be sometime this year, as there is so much to do and see). One of the first things we'll do (that we didn't get to do) is take the tour of Dr. King's home and another would be to bring the camera!
This picture was the only one we got because someone forgot to bring the camera.


  1. Ohhh I want to go on a family field trip. I'd LOVE to be part of a homeschooling network because I sure can use the help. But I don't want to be the ONLY person of color in the WHOLE group. *sigh*. . . We need to move.

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    It is good that your family could share this experience. I am really disturbed that with all of the wealthy blacks in America, why it is taking so long to have the MLK memorial built in D.C.

    Marcus LANGFORD
    HostGator Is Da Bomb!

  3. What an awesome experience that must have been! I am planning to visit there some time in the latter part of 2008, and am pretty excited about taking the kids!

  4. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I went in Freshman year in college. Sublime!

  5. How awesome is that! I'd love to take my little ones to the King center. What a wonderful learning experience for your kids! Way to go Mama.

    Btw - I'm visiting you from Regina's blog.

  6. WOW!!!!

    What a great experience. I know you'll go back to visit over and over again.

    Don't feel bad about it taking so long to visit. I lived in NJ forever and NEVER visited the Statue of Liberty!!!

  7. Awww, look at the fam. You all look so nice. You and the hubby don't look much older than the kids! Keep drinking from that fountain of youth.

    Glad that you all had a wonderful time. Except of course that "someone," LOL, forgot the camera.

  8. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I remember going once while in high school and about a few years ago when I didn't have any children! Seeing you and your family definitely will be going before the month is out!

  9. Anonymous11:56 PM

    You have such a beautiful family. The King center is a wonderful tribute that every black american should make a pilgrimage to at some point in their lives.


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