Excuse Me.....What Did U Say?

Saying I Love You Doesn't Always Come From Your Mouth

Valentines Day is approaching and February is also the month I got married. The BIG day is February 26th, it will be 9 years. In honor of our love for each other, I'm going to share little nuggets of what I call, "things that say I love you without actually saying, I love you".
These nuggets have played a major role in what makes us; US.

Ladies, some of you make think the tone may be a bit strong, old school, or just plain wrong. Some of you may like it, who knows?
The main thing is this, be open. Consider the positive effects and change it may bring. I would even go as far as to say, try it. Yes, for about a week and quietly observe what happens.

I'll try to make as many "love posts" as often as I can and lists a few of them in each post.



  1. Hi there Ms Lisa,
    What an awesome Idea! I can't wait to read them.

  2. im with ya, love is a verb action, u should send this pst to my ex, maybe then she will stop sweatin folk lol

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I got married on Feb 25, congrats!

    My husband love language is service, He is a servicer, so he shows love by washing the car, or taking the groceries out of the car.

    Sometimes people over look how they partner loves...

    This is a great post, and I look forward to learning about love...

    You have 5 years on me, some I know you have lessons to teach.

  4. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Oh my God, I sound illiterate in the previous comment. I guess I need to read before I post.


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