Be Not Afraid! - Michelle Obama

I just spent some time over at Mr. Solomon's (a friend of mines) blog, when I came across this post that lead me to a video, of Michelle Obama.

"Fear, again, raising it's ugly head".
"The reason I said "yes" is because I am tired of being afraid".

These are just a few words that Michelle Obama spoke that night. I wanted to share this video with you because it's exactly where I am in my life right now. I'm sick and tired of FEAR raising it's ugly unwanted head, setting out to assist me in defeating myself.

Over the past few months D. and I have step out in faith and made some major, life altering decisions that have not been easy. One of the reasons why we are here is because we have decided to do different. You know the saying, "if you want different results you have to do different things". Well, along with doing different comes stepping out of your comfort zone and venturing in to territory that's unfamiliar, right? Well who would want to do that? Who would want to voluntarily be uncomfortable? Who would want to stretch themselves and experience what that FEELS like? WHO?

The answer that came to me was, Michelle Obama would. This woman made the decision to look fear in the face and unapologetically tell it to MOVE! I also realize that we are no different from each other, that she is a Woman just like me, who loves her husband and children just like me. Who has doubt and fear and issues just like me. Who wants to continually grow and become better at who she is and what she does, just like me. Who has hopes, dreams, and a vision that only can come to pass if she will not allow fear to do what it does best, give her a reason to fail. So, who am I to expect less for myself and not do what it takes? Who are you not too either? The choice to be great comes with a price but the choice not to be great comes with a price as well, the question is: what price are you willing to pay?

Come on let's say it together, Yes-we-can!

Press play and watch the video. If you've seen it before, watch it again and allow your mind to be opened to the possibilities ahead, for the Obama's and for yourself!

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  1. I am so, so very happy at the possibility that Michelle Obama will be this country's first lady, because she is a first lady.

    This woman has presented herself to America in a very sophisticated, smart, intelligent and passionate manner. At the same time showing that she is a woman of strength and courage.

    I believe that she would make a tremendous difference as a first lady. I look forward to seeing her stand there and look Barack in his eyes while holding that bible as he is sworn in as president of the united states. What a view.

  2. I applaud you for stepping out of your comfort zone. The fact that you guys made that choice is awesome! Blessings to you in your endeavors!
    Peace & Love!

  3. Hi Lisa! After 8 years of fear and war mongering...I am at wit's end. Personally...I believe that the Bush administration actually caused and paid for 9-11 and are using "terrorism" as a scapegoat to instill fear in every American.

    I believe that Obama will be our next president and I truly believe he cannot be stopped. He is inspiring and smart. The republicans say he is a pacifist who wants to be friends with every country...I'm saying WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT?!!!!!

    Let the man get in there and use his incredible personality and friendliness to change this country. Michelle will make a great first lady! I am really excited about the upcoming election and CANNOT WAIT to get Bush out of the white house. He is the worst president we have ever had!!!!

    Obama has my vote! I previously thought about voting for Ron Paul but of course, he has no chance. I watched Obama's biography on the A&E channel last night and was amazed by his life.

    Thanks Lisa, this is a beautiful post and I agree 100%:)

  4. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Hello Lisa,

    Thank you for spreading the word about my post. I appreciate you.

    The Whitehouse will never again be the same once Michelle becomes the First Lady. Imagine that! Both Senator Barack and Michelle Obama have managed to inspire an entire generation of young adults to face their fears and embrace Change.

    The whole world is watching and waiting to see what will happen during what will become American's defining moment. We, as Americans, can't afford to get it wrong again.



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