Barack On Education!

If you haven't heard this already, it's worth a listen!

Can it be done? Can we really have a world class educational system? I don't know but; if Barack does get the opportunity to implement these changes then we just might see a radical change in our educational system.
Our children are counting on us, isn't it time to stop letting them down?

And they say he just has hopes and dreams, the Man obviously has plans for our educational system.


  1. It is hight time someone made education in the US what it should be! I say BRING IT ON!

  2. as long as folks are willing to try, i belive it can, and that we create our own reality

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    That is a very powerful video! Our educational system definitely needs a great level of improvement and I believe that man that can bring that improvement will be Obama.

    Marcus LANGFORD


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