9 Years & Counting!

Yesterday was my wedding Anniversary. We've been married for 9 years. Being married to David has been an incredible experience!!

The first time we met we were actually 7 years old. Yes, in Sunday school. My Father was one of the Pastors and his Mother was one of our Sunday School teachers and choir director. Who would have thought all these years later we'd be married raising 5 kids.

The kids love to hear the stories about how me and D. use to hang out together with our friends when we were younger. We didn't date back then, I didn't even know he had a crush on me until we got together 15 years later, which was over 9 years ago.

I moved to Ga two years before he did. We stayed in touch a little here and there and then lost touch for 4 years. The very first time we saw each other again, we knew we were going to be together for the rest of our lives and got married 5 months later. That's when I started hearing all of those stories about him having a crush on me and me being totally oblivious to it...LOL, my guess is that I didn't need to know what I didn't know back then.

**Right now I'm watching D. with little Joshy. He's combing his hair (listening to Jay's new video, "I Know"). I love watching him with his kids. It's beautiful to see a Man so loving and affectionate with little ones, isn't it? I can't wait to see what the next 9 years will bring, I'm blushing just thinking about it.


  1. Congratulations chica! That is a wonderful and a beautiful thing :-)

  2. Happy Anniversary! I love celebrations, especially ones that celebrate love.

  3. Congrats! That's such a wonderful thing. Sounds like you guys were destined to be together. My hubs and I will celebrate eight years together in August (if I don't kill him first).

  4. Hey Ms. Lisa Congrats to you and Mr. D!
    Love is a wonderful thing, ESPECIALLY within the sanctity of marriage! You go girl. I pray you two have an eternity together!
    I left you something special at my blog...

  5. Hi Lisa, congrats on 9 years! I can totally relate to the way you feel. I wish you both a lifetime of anniversaries!!

  6. now thats what i am talking about congras to the two of you

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM


    Congratulation to you and your king for loving to love one another for 9 unforgettable years.



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