Guess Who's back!

I've got to admit something guys, my Internet has been up and running for a week now but I decided that it was time to take a break. I didn't realize how much I was missing and being missed at home and from friends and family.

While I was gone I started a book club. I love to read and hadn't been able to finish a book since I started blogging consistently. I've been getting to bed before 2am, read several magazines that have piled up over the months, joined a gym (it's time to get these muscles pumped up and toned). I'll share the pics when the time is right. I love the gym and my membership includes child care, so I take my kids with me. My oldest comes along to help out. She's enjoying the responsibility of taking care of the younger kids. The teacher is always asking if I'm going to bring her with me the next time.
I'm taking step, cardio, core building, and body sculpting classes. I love using the machines. I just pop in Jay-Z, hit the treadmill and watch the calories drop like flies. After a good workout the calories are not the only thing that will be dropping ;) You know D. is a happy camper.

While I was gone I got some love from my girl, Mrs. G over at Mrs. Grapevine and my boy Marcus over at Mind of Marcus. Check out her post about her lovely Disney trip The Happiest Place On Earth and her beautiful family pics. Also, check out Marcus's post on "I Can't Be the Only One". He talks about one of the "nasties" lingering around in the blogoshere.
Thanks for the love you guys!!!


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    yaaay lisa c! it is great to have you back. my girlfriend jasmine aka jford was just asking about why she hadn't seen you around my way in a while. i told her that you were taking a break and rightfully so sis; i am sure you deserve it.

    speaking of going back to the gym, i will be returning to the gym as well within the first quarter of next year. i plan to resume competitive bodybuilding in summer 2009, but it going to take at least a year to get my size back and some. like i told jasmine, the next time i compete, my mission will be to annihilate the competition and win! i will also be posting pics in the future as well so that people from my blogosphere can keep up with my progress.

    well, it is good to have you back sis. i will see you when i see you and...oh...thank you for the love you showed me on this post.
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  2. I've been missing you. I am so glad you're back, at had to share all my blog love with Marcus Langford.:)

    I hope you have enjoyed your break and family time. My posts have been slow, but family comes first. My son is almost reading on his own and he's just 3 years and 3 months. I had been slacking because of the blog, and now I am back on schedule, homeschooling the boy.

    I only have two children, so I can't imagine how you find the time to do anything. Anyway I should stop before this turns into a journal entry.

    Welcome back!!! Misses Ya!!!

  3. woohoo! glad you're back and i'm definitely glad i subscribed by email! or i'd be like a week late... but welcome back!


  4. Hey lisa! As much as I have come to love blogging, I refuse to let it take over my life. Some days I don't blog just to step away from it. It can definitely be consuming. We all have lives that need attention paid to them, and that's what we should be doing, at least more than blogging.

    Have a blessed evening!

  5. Thanks guys and much looooovvvveeee, muah!!!

    I gotta run, just finished my latest blog. It's time for me and D. to chill. I'll return soon to leave a comment for each and everyone of you.

  6. Hey Lisa!!!! I'm so glad you're back,and like Mrs. Grapevine I've been hanging out over at Marcus' spot. Now I gotta split my time again! lol. It's great to see you're back though!!


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