Thursday's Thought of the Day..#12

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

~Mother Teresa

More Thursday's Thought of the Day!


  1. True dat

    If you can be faithful with the small then it should come easy all the time.

  2. Good words to live by Lisa!

  3. Z~ I agree! It should be easy, but it's not, all of the time. We do ourselves good if we strive for our best!

    Rolando~ Yes they are! Now let's start living!!

  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Being faithful in the small things demonstrates to those around you that you can handle the larger things with responsibility and respect.

  5. nice blog hon and its nice to read posiive afirmations.

  6. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hey, miss you. What's up?

  7. Erina~ Well said! :)

    Torrance~ Thanks for stopping by and welcome!! I'm glad you enjoyed this post. I post thoughts like these every Thursday so come back to check them out. You may get inspired to post some of your own!

    Mrs. Grapevine~ Thanks for stopping by and asking. All is well! Just busy busy busy but some how I still find time for my blogging buddies like you :)

  8. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Amen, that's my testimony. My small children provided me with so much strength this year.

  9. Mrs. Grapevine~ Sometimes that's all we need is to be able to find strength in something/someone to keep us going. It's beautiful that you found yours in your children. Unfortunately for many it's the other way around, their children are usually draining their strength. :(

  10. Mother Teresa was one of my real heroes. I loved her so much. I really respect the speech she gave at the world women's summit defending the innocent. It was amazing. :)


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