Thursday's Thought of the Day..#12 - I'm A Thoughtful Blogger!!

I was awarded the Thoughtful Blogger Award by my good blogging buddies Rolando and Erina. I thought how appropriate for a Thursday's Thought of the Day!!!

This award was originally created by Cristy over at Writer's Reviews. She created this award with these words in mind, The Thoughtful Blogger Award: "For those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping others bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others".

If I could give it back to the two who gave it to me, I would. They are truly the thoughtful ones.

I would like to present this award to the following bloggers:




  1. Lisa. This is so thoughtful and kind. Thank you so very much. I really appreciate being thought of this way. :)



  2. Jon~ You're welcome!! You deserve it :) Keep up the good work, your readers really appreciate you!

  3. You are so very sweet Lisa. I hope you know that your very kind nature draws kindness to you. I appreciate you thoughtfulness.

  4. Shelia~ Thank you for your kind words! :)

    Your blog reflects your passion that you have for the sport. It comes across to your readers. Thanks for bringing the news to us the way you do. You are so welcome!!

  5. Congrats Lisa and all! It's great to keep the award alive.

  6. Congrats Lisa! This award is perfect for you. You truly are a thoughtful blogger.

    Congrats to all of the new winners!

  7. Lisa! You are the thoughtful one. How very sweet of you to think of me:) I hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Rolando~ You always have me on your mind and it's a beautiful thing. Thank you :) I hope it will keep going too!

    Torrance~ Thank you!

    Erina~ Seems like every time I come over I have a pleasant surprise waiting for me :) Thank you lady for thinking about me :)

    Bobby~ You are welcome!! I know it's not the first time you've received this one but it has never come from me before. You wear this award with honors. Thanks for being so thoughtful :)

  9. Lisa C! ...YOU are entered TWICE on the "World's Largest Record Breaking Awards Event Grid"!!!!

    YHaaaa Hooooooooo :-)

    Speedcat Hollydale

  10. Thank you Eric! This calls for a celebration!!!! I'm honored!!!! :)

  11. Okay why I feel like this is "Award Central" *chuckle to self*. I told you folks just LOVE you!

  12. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Hey! I can see you and I can comment. This will probably last for a few hours so I am binging on unrestricted web surfing.

    congrats on the award:) You sure deserve it.

  13. Aly~ This is where the parties at!!! LOL!

    Yemi~ It's good to see you, lady!! Those restrictions are for the birds. Glad you got a burst of freedom, for a moment. Thanks so much!


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