My Shooting Star...

I was just standing outside taking one of my nightly breaks. I do this often when I have to clear my head. I love looking up at the sky at night. Something about it seems so peaceful and relaxing. My mind wonders on it's awesomeness and I'm reminded of how small I am.
Tonight for the first time in my life I saw a shooting star. Did I just see what I thought I saw? In a sky that is so familiar to me I usually know what to expect. The moon, stars, airplanes passing by ever so often. And on some nights it's cloudy so all I see is the fog and the moon trying it's best to shine through. In a sky so familiar to me tonight I saw something different.

A shooting star may (to some) not be a big deal. It went by rather quickly, as I suppose they do. Just like that it came and was gone before I really had time to think on it. Why tonight? In all of my years, being outside at night looking up into the sky I had never had this experience before. Should I make it a big deal? Should I read in to it anymore than what it was? Should I, should I, should I? I could and so I did.

It was special to me. I felt like it happened just for me. I know that I probably wasn't the only one to see it but, to me, in that moment I was. I began by first saying that I went outside to clear my head and when I do that I just allow myself to be open, let go of the many things that are floating around up there and just receive. Receive whatever may come. I was a little stressed over all that I needed to get done. It helped me to relax and be still.

As I let go and allowed myself to be still, in that moment without me even doing anything I saw something different. Something different happened in an all so familiar place. I wasn't expecting it, just minding my own business. Enjoying the night as I do so many other nights. It was beautiful!! So bright in the dark sky, shooting so fast in the direction it was going. Minding it's own business. After thinking about it I had to ask myself, am I opened to seeing the unexpected in my familiar day to day life? Am I prepared for it? Am I moving too fast that even if it happens, will I notice? And if and when it does happen what is the message? I can't tell you exactly what it meant or if it meant anything at all. When I saw it I felt at peace. I stopped stressing over the things I needed to do.

I believe that there are messages sent our way everyday of our lives. It's important to know that so that we can take moments to be still and just receive. To slow down, take deep breathes and allow it to happen. Maybe it's something that you've been trying to figure out, the missing puzzle piece to your big meeting, the latest recipe, your newest design, that lecture that's getting ready to come up, your child's ailment, that exam that you know you have to pass, this time around. And so on and so on. If we allow it, it will come. If we're open we will receive it and be blessed by it.

Finally, I'm done doing one of the things that I needed to do. Now where's that list, time to check off something else.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Great point about being open to things around you. I'm always telling my husband he needs to slow down and enjoy life.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I ran across it while checking out the other recipients of Erina's "Thoughtful blogger award."

  2. Ohh wow! I'd be surprised too. You know I thought you caught it on camera until I realized that was a stock photo. LOL.

    I'm glad you're able to see such small wonders and able to take the time to contemplate it's meaning.

  3. great read. thanks for sharing it.


  4. Thank you Lisa. This post is amazing, and you are so romantic. Please stay the way you are.

  5. Wildcatsthree~ Thanks for coming over and welcome!! Erina is really the thoughtful one here :) I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. Come back soon!

    Aly~ LOL!! I wish! Isn't it a beautiful photo. I thought it was perfect for this entry.

    I don't want to ever become too busy to stop and smell the roses.

    DC_Speaks~ It's good to see you again! I'm glad you enjoyed this entry. Peace to you too!

    Nellie~ You made me smile :) This entry was for me as much as it was for anyone else who was blessed by it. I'm glad you were!

  6. Thanks for sharing. I needed that reminder.

  7. So true.

    I usually get home from work and hit the panic button... I need to do this, this, this - etc.
    Today I got home and took a nap! As I was popping around Technorati and some of my "own links" I saw you and wanted to swing by. Your comment brought me back again, and "nice to meet you too!" I see we have some common blogging contacts / friends :-)

    You're welcome anytime Speedy's Page.
    Hollydale in Minnesota.

  8. ... did "Blogger" block comment links? They added to my code??? Anyway, I guess the previous link is broken.

  9. Did you wish for anything special when you saw the star? May the star answered the question you brought to us today.

    It's a great realization to have, to be still and listen. Our lives are so busy and there is so much 'noise' we can't hear our own thoughts and answers to our own questions and openness to the things around us.

    Guess it was meant to be that you saw the shooting star.

  10. Speedcat Hollydale~ Welcome and thanks for stopping by!!

    We do have some blogging buddies in common, small blogosphere. LOL!! I know what you mean about hitting that panic button. Thankfully the "easy" button was created to slow us down. LOL!!

    Rolando~No, I didn't wish. I was in awe, speechless. It was beautiful!

  11. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I agree we all need those times to be still. I've seen a few shooting stars in my lifetime. They are magical.

  12. Opal~ It's so good to see you again! Aren't you lucky!! Some people go through a lifetime having seen none. I hope I get to see another, they are magical!! :)

  13. A beautiful moment. I believe that you may have been the only person to see it. The other few million people were probably too busy. Therefore, that shooting star was specifically for you.

    Life goes by just as quickly as that shooting star. I'm glad you were able to take a moment of silence. Peaceful and welcoming.

  14. I have seen few shooting stars in my life. My friend Brent, who writes a tech blog and doesn't ever do memes wrote a fantastic post you should read. He doesn't reply to comments much (he a true tech guy). He wrote the post because I asked him.

    It's beautiful. Sometimes, a shooting star comes at the perfect moment and can make someone feel love or peace!

  15. Erina~ You know when something happens to you it makes you feel like it was just for you? That's what I believe. It happened so fast that I had to ask myself, if I really saw what I saw. I tell you one thing, I won't forget it. Whenever I get busy, I'll remember this experience.

    Bobby~ See what I mean? How does a person get a blogger interested enough, to come out of their ordinary selves and do something against their character? That person has to be someone special like you :) Can't wait to read the post!

  16. Very inspiring Lisa! If we allow it, it will come. - love that quote! I live by it everyday.

  17. Sheena~ It's good to see you again!! I'm glad you were inspired, that makes me feel great. Thanks for putting a smile on my face :)

  18. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I have been fortunate enough to see quite a few, and I felt that way about my firs one. It was just for me, I became so obsessed that I wanted to become a astrophysicist, but I lost sight of that dream.

    I do however love the stars, and you need that time just to look up at see the sublime.


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