Just For Fun

Browsing around today I came across this cute little quiz. Everyone who knows me also knows that I enjoy these from time to time. After taking it once this was my answer. It's funny how these things can be right on the money or way out in left field. I tried changing it around to see what other results I would get. None of them came close. I guess the first time around is always a charm.
If you have some down time and wanna play, click on the link below. I'd love to see what's your style.
Thanks Sincere!

Your Blogging Type is Kind and Harmonious

You're an approachable blogger who tends to have many online friends.
People new to your blogging circle know they can count on you for support.
You tend to mediate fighting and drama. You set a cooperative tone.
You have a great eye for design - and your blog tends to be the best looking on the block!

Check out my other fun quizzes here!!


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Your Blogging Type is Social and Responsible

    You enjoy blogging and do all you can to advance the blogging community.

    From helping friends set up blogs to getting rid of spam - you take a leadership role.

    A super blogger, you tend to blog regularly. You'd hate to disappoint your audience.

    And always appropriate, there's no way you'd blog something too personal!

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Your Blogging Type Is The Private Performer:

    Your blog is your stage - with your visitors your adoring fans.
    At least, that's how you write with your witty one liners.
    And while you like attention, you value your privacy.
    You're likely to have an anonymous blog - or turn off comments.

    NOTE: I actually do have a private blog, lol. However, I am pretty open at Charmed & Dangerous.

    This was fun Lisa!

  3. Hi Mrs. G~ That's you to the T..lol!!! Thanks for taking the quiz!

    Hi Dari~ LOL...ah, they don't know what they're talking about. That's not you at all ;) Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Your personality seems more on point than mine was... I think i'm gonna steal your themed days idea.. cool?

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Mine was:

    "Your Blogging Type is Commanding and Larger Than Life

    "In blogging circles, you tend to rise to the top with your take charge personality.
    You are driven to solve problems, connect bloggers, and be an influential force.
    You are also motivated to keep your blog fresh and high quality.
    Your hard work has paid off - you set a high standard for other bloggers to aspire to."

    I don't think mine is right. Lol. Ah well. The quiz is only a few questions. I doubt something a person whipped up on their coffee break is going to diagnose us all properly :)

  6. Hi Sincere~ I agree, it was pretty close to my style.

    I don't know about stealing but you can definitely join me in 'Thursday's Thought of the Day :) Let's have some fun with it, shall we!!

    Hi Erina~ LOL!! I could see you in the results, but what do they know ;)

    Thank for being a good sport and taking the quiz, it was fun!

  7. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Hmmm...well, I will have to interact with you more before I can co-sign on any of these...LOL. I can say that I would be able to count on you for support as you came by my blog and left a couple of nice comments and I really appreciate that. I will be sure to keep returning the favor. And I do not think you have the best looking blog on the block...I think that title would have to go to ME. LOL.

    Subscribe to 'Mind of Marcus'
    The Mind For Revolution Is Here

  8. Hi Marcus~ LOL!!! Who's block is this? Of course mine is the better looking ;-) If you stick around you'll see :-)

    And, you're welcome for the comments, it's what I do. Especially when there are things that interest me.

  9. I am going to try this also. Here are my guesses b4 hand...

    Your blog is silly

    People think you are silly

    I mediate with sillyness

    I like to make silly pictures

    I have seen quite a few of these. This one looks very fun :)


  10. Hi Eric~ LOL!! You are silly :P


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