Time To Roll Out the Tags!!

Without further ado, I've completed two of my meme's. Yeah!!

First up, I was tagged by Confessing7girl to join the list of successful woman bloggers created by Priscilla Palmer. Thanks for thinking about me, lady :)

Now it's my turn to return the love~

AJ, at 'Over Analyze It' keeps it real by breaking down the latest in hot news and what's happenings.
Erina, at 'The Inkspot' invites you to join in and become a part of her interesting, fun, and intriguing world.
Lianne, 'The Makeup Girl' has all you need to know about beauty. From tips, to technique, to the latest fashion. If you have a question, she's got the answer!
Malenie, at 'Our Happy Happenings' shares her world of family, love, and fun. She's one cool Mom!
Yemi, says 'Don't Eat My Buchela' brings it 'raw' from her doors in China! She's wicked with the pen, her students love her, and photography is beautiful. And yes, you do want to eat her little Buchela!
Nellie, at 'Nellioness' has a little bit of everything for your mind, body and soul. Let's not forget the pictures. (**Warning - Adult Content**)
Yolanda, is 'Ebony Mom' makes you feel welcomed and at home. She also has a new place, 'Ebony Mom Reviews' where she shares her opinion on products for children and family!

Next up the Blogging Star award! I have to thank Erina for this one, thanks lady! This award was started by Barb, over at Skittles Place. She created this award "for bloggers who shine their light throughout the blogospehere. Some do it with humor, others with creativity, and others with their kind and thoughtful natures.”

This time it's the fellas turn:

Rolando, Z-Blog, Blogxilla, Bobby, Manchild, Edward, David Airey, David, Jon,

These guys truly do add some light to the blogosphere! I haven't added anything about them in detail because I would like for you to visit and formulate you own opinion. They are all special in their own way. Thanks guys for lighting up the sphere :)

Lastly, The Nice Matters Award!! Thanks Rolando!

This award goes to:
Suzy whom I just met has a warm and inviting place. Pull up a chair and get to know this lovely Mom and Grandmother!
AlyCat comes with a punch! This wife and Mother of four has heart of gold. She speaks her mind and is unapologetic about it!


  1. Yay!!!!! Thank you Lisa:) What a nice gesture. I am so glad I met you and I am already a big LisaC fan.

    Keep writing and don't quit. Blogging is a truly special place for people from everywhere to share their lives and without it, I would probably never have met you.

    Thank you for the award! I have a long overdue super multi-awards post to do and it will be in the next few days:)

  2. hey girl!!!!! :D congrats on all ur awards!!! absolutely deserved!! keep doing a great job!!

  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Lisa, Lisa, Lisa,

    Thank you for honoring me with this award. Congratulations to you for all your well-deserved awards.

    All the love I've been receiving from you and the rest of my blended, extended family of bloggers is like breath of fresh air.


  4. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I'm not quite sure what to do with this tag, Lisa. Do I simply make a post that links to successful women bloggers that I like?

    (By the way, thank you for tagging me. I am thankful.)

  5. Thanks for the shout-out!!

  6. Bobby~ You are so welcome! I'm really glad that I met you and I have enjoyed visiting your site!! I'll be looking forward to reading your super multi-awards post (ha), because you seem to know some really special people. Can't wait!

    Confessing7girl~ Thank you! I mean it. I couldn't give the love if you didn't give it first!

    Manchild~ I know exactly what you mean about that 'breath of fresh air'. I've been taking a lot of deep breaths lately, just appreciating all the love that I've been getting. You deserve it!

    Erina~ That's it partner ;) Start linking away. Can't wait to see who'll get tagged by you. If they are just as cool as you, I want to meet them.

    AJ~ You are welcome!! Let me know when you spread you love.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I gave you a new award. You can find it on my blog :)

  8. Hey! Thank you so very much. You are so sweet and I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. a big hug.


  9. Congrats on your awards!!

  10. Thanks Erina!!! I'll be by later today to pick it up.

    Jon~ You're welcome!! You are doing a fantastic job. Your eye for photography is amazing. Keep up the good work, you deserve it!

    Melanie~ Thanks so much! I'll see you soon.

  11. I thought I posted a comment but "something" happened. It must be the rain, gotta blame it on something. *chuckle*

    Thanks Hon. I'ma have to nickname you the Award Diva. lol

  12. Thank you dear Lisa!!! I just found out you gave me some link-love!

    ** Congrats on your awards! ** :)

  13. Congratulations on your awards! I have the same red carpet event going on at my blog (LOL) I'll have to check out some of these bloggers. They all sound insane with fascination.

  14. Aly~ You deserve it and more. Award diva, huh? I kinda like the ring of that...lol ;)

    Nelli~ You are welcome!! You know I had to send some your way eventually :) Keep doing you thang! Some of us have to tread those waters. Your content is very educational.

    Julia~ Thanks!! And, welcome!! Hope to see you soon again. I'll have to come by and check out that 'red carpet event', sounds inviting. Umm, I should find something dazzling to wear first, huh? LOL!

  15. Thanks Lisa Loads of love :)

  16. Who? What? Where? Award? ahhh thank you Lisa! You're awesome! It's gonna be another fun weekend passing out awards.

  17. You are welcome, Z! Hope you're doing well.

    Rolando~ You're the one that's awesome! Have fun!

  18. It's going to be longer to do an awards post. I'm still trying to figure out who has given me an award!

    I'd be so embarrassed if thank one person but forget to thank another. I've done it before. I get lots of comments like, "Hey, I gave you that award 1st!" LOL!!!! It's hard to keep up with sometimes.

    If you miss 2 weeks of blogging for whatever reason, you come back and realize you've been tagged 40 times and missed 19 awards. That's when you realize how easy it is to get behind.

    I try not to let it make me feel bad. Just know that it does mean a lot to me to receive an award from you:):):)

  19. Bobby~ The main thing is that you at least do your best. Your readers can see that. From the short time that I've gotten to know you, I can see that too :)

    People make time for what's important to them. Your buddies in the blogosphere feel that they are on that list.

    Thanks, Bobby :)

  20. I posted some online hangouts...I think I should have done more, maybe next week. Have a good day!

  21. AJ~ Cool, I'll check them out!!

  22. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Sorry it's so late in coming, but you're a star for mentioning me and my blog! The fact that you think I write something of interest makes it so much more worthwhile, and I appreciate the time you've spent reading my blog posts.

    Ciao for now.

  23. David~ Better late than never. I understand when life has you busy you do what you can. You deserve every bit of this award!! :)


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