Thursday's Thought of the Day..#11

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.

~Abraham Maslow

More Thursday's Thought of the Day!


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    How true! A person must realize and want change.

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Suzy~ Thanks for joining 'Thursday's Thought of the Day'! I'll see you next week!!

    Well said, Erina. By becoming aware, a person will notice 'how much' should change.

  3. I wish I had thought about this regarding my ex boyfriend.

  4. Lisa, can I get that saying on a t-shirt? j/k Good quote.

  5. Thembi~ Because he's your ex, it looks like you did. Maybe later than sooner but eventually. :)

    Ha! Thanks, Rolando! I got it from a book that I'm listening too called "Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Good book!

  6. I always try to do something I learned from a wise mentor of mine when regarding change. This is a little off base but does apply.

    If somethings not working or you can't seem to get something right, don't change what you're doing, change your attitude.

    Knowing yourself allows this to be possible. If I'm in an argument with someone and it's getting worse, I sense how I can change the situation. I always aim for a nice, peaceful resolution.

    I may look at it from another perspective as it happens and suddenly, the argument becomes a hug!

    I believe we change everyday. Knowing ourselves and having the ability to see things from many perspectives makes life better!

    Have a great day Lisa!!!!!

  7. Bobby~ I absolutely agree! The more we look at things from the other persons perspective will give us a greater appreciation for their experience in the matter.

    Taking our eyes off of ourselves will allow us to be selfless and more giving human beings.

    I realize no one is perfect and these are not always easy tasks. The more you practice this way of being the greater chance you have of being at peace with yourself and others.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Bobby.


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