Thursday's Thought of the Day..#10 - Nelson Mandela

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory that is within us. It's not just in some of us: it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

~Nelson Mandela

This quote is taken from a book that I'm reading called "Choosing Truth, Living An Authentic Life", by Harriette Cole.

More Thursday's Thought of the Day!


  1. Wow, how profound. What a wise and awesome man.

  2. what powerful words. I think i'm going to print this one out!

    hey btw: I gave you linky love over on mschiefmakers btw. And D. Charles too!

  3. Thanks for posting that. I just saw on the news that Nelson Mandela is in Paris and recieved a very respectful welcome from the new French President Sarkozy. And he deserves it!

    Those words are as Rolando says profound words. Every high school student should have to memorize it.

  4. I used to have this quote on my wall in college...I haven't seen it again until today :-)

  5. That's a great quote.. Peace..


  6. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Some of the realest and most beautiful words spoken. Every child needs to hear that everyday, that needs to be right after the pledge.

  7. Rolando ~ Isn't he? Amazing!

    JJ ~ That's a good idea!! And, thanks for the love. I'll come over and check it out.

    Mes Deaux Cents ~ It's about time you've come over to give your cents :0)
    He's visiting Paris, huh? Do you know what for? Special event, business, pleasure? Could you find out? Thanks!
    I agree, High School, and Junior High too!

    Invisible Woman ~ Well I'm glad to have brought back some (seems like) sweet memories!

    The Humanity Critic ~ Thanks for visiting and glad you liked it! Hope to see you again. I'll be over to pay you a visit.

    Mrs. Grapevine ~ Well said! I'll be over soon, but you know I should be in bed, right?

  8. He is amazing! Thanks for the lesson.

  9. ummm okay, ya gurl watches waaaaay to much televison. Why, you ask? Because I kept thinking "wow, how did she manage to remember that quote from the movie Coach Carter?" Ohhh lawd. There was a monologue that one of the characters did towards the end, and I had no idea that was taken from Mandela's speech. Ohhhh Calgon take me away.

    (I did like that when I heard it in the movie tho)

  10. I see you love Mr, what a choice! In all the world, you could never, in my humble opinion, choose a better role model! He is one of my favourite people too, and my own role model...and my friend Fatima here in S.Africa actually met him at a party he threw for some lucky children one christmas...He is truly beyond Profound!! :)

  11. LOL...Aly I didn't know it was quoted in that movie too. Seems to be a popular quote and I can see why.

    Jessethecat ~ I'm glad you stopped by, welcome!
    Meeting a man such as Mandela is an incredible honor. Your friend was in the right place at the right time. Wow!


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