Date Night? Oh...Yes We Did!!

D. and I got to go out on Saturday night. We haven't been on a date in like forever! We walked in to the nail salon (because I needed to get a quick wax) and the lady asked me if D. was my boyfriend? Ha! My boyfriend! D. looked at me and said "you haven't had one of those in a while huh? He's too funny. My response was "no, I haven't. Do you know of anyone in the market"? LOL...I love kidding around with him like that.

Getting to take this break away from the kids and everyday life is part of what keeps our flame going. We get to be 'one' again. Meaning no space in between (which having five children can do, create a whole lot of it was just us. Holding hands, gazing into each others eyes, kissing, and caressing one another. And of course wearing one of my minis helped ;) but just being out on a date with him was enough. It brings on those feelings like we just met for the first time. So so good!
We had so much fun and I cant' wait to do it again! Oh yeah, I finally got to have that Apple Martini I was fantasizing about the other day ;)

Have you ever noticed what a few moments can do when you're away together? How much closer you two are, how your passion can be aroused?

This ones for the LOVERS: What do you do to keep the flame going?


  1. Hey Lisa! A little playfulness can go a long way to making some sweet romance SO much sweeter! I never over compliment women but I had a date once that ended with me laughing so hard that when I looked up, she was gone! I told her,"MMMmmm, you are so beautiful." in a warm tone while we stared into each others eyes. She hopped up and said,"That is so gay!"
    I think she became irritated at my laughing but I couldn't help it!

    I like women who enjoy some sizzling romance and some invigorating passion! BTW, I LOVE apple martinis! Yummy!!!!!

  2. Hahahaha! Bobby, I just read your comment to my husband and he himself can't stop laughing!! It was her loss. Apparently she doesn't know a REAL MAN when she sees one or should I say, hear from one!

    BTW, we have to catch Rolando up to speed about the apple martinis, your first try should be with friends. :)

  3. Date? Gurl what does THAT mean? The only 2 languages I speak are english and ebonics. ha! And Date ain't in either of them.

    Wow! I'm happy for yall. It give me hope that I two will one day be able to "date" my Hunny. You go gurl with the mini (was it a micro?)

  4. That's great Lisa! You deserve it and sounds like you guys had a fun time. Even if it was an hour or two, they add up!

  5. Aly~ The picture that I linked 'minis' was hardly a micro but the one I had on Saturday was ;)
    I hope you guys get to take that date soon!

    Rolando, Thanks! See I told you we were thinking along the same lines yesterday. Love is_____. Will we ever figure it out?

  6. fun! date nights are always a good time!

  7. You right Lisa, we're on the same page. Now to figure it out? :)

  8. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Glad you were able to enjoy a date night, they really are essential to keep the flame alive. Yay for getting that apple martini!!!

  9. Tanyetta~ Like I said I can't wait to do it again! :)

    Rolando~ Two great minds to think alike!

    Yolanda~ Have you had yours yet? :)

  10. I really enjoyed this post, had me smiling from ear too ear. You two are blessed.

    Wish I could get over this way a bit more often, maybe I need to get a life and stop blogging so often?

  11. Anonymous9:56 AM

    You and D. sound so perfect together! I like the fact he went to the nail salon with you.

  12. Ed~ It's good to see you again! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was smiling the whole time writing too!
    Ha! 'Get a life and stop blogging', now there's a thought, but what else would we do? LOL!!

    Erina~ thank you. We try to spend as much time together as we possibly can due to his long hours at work. Really though, thanks for mentioning that because little things like these can get overlooked.

  13. Anonymous3:31 PM

    The small things do matter a lot. I agree.

  14. Hey Lisa,
    I was thinking this same thing the other day. We find it hard to find that QT together with just one child and our schedules so I know with 5 it must be a miracle!! we do commit to a date night every other friday. btu anytime we can spend together is great even if it's just 5 mins. I love the post and the blog. I will be a frequent reader from now on!!

  15. Thanks, Erina. I'm already planning our next night!!

    Sincere~ The thing I remember is, my kids will grow up and leave one day, make families of their own and have their own lives. I don't want to turn around when they leave and ask my hubby, "who are you", because we didn't spend that QT together. If I had 8, 12, or even 20 children I will make sure to get that one on one time with him.

    I'm glad you like my place and I'm looking forward to getting to know you :)

  16. sounds wonderful!! de hubby and i going on one tomorrow thnx to the boys's school which offers this option to drop off the kids for a small fee for 4 hours every quarter. the kids get pizza and a movie with about 40 other kids and we get a little peace.

    i admire you.


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