73 Things A Man Should Know About Women!

Will Men ever totally understand Women? What do you think?

As I was stumbling tonight I came across this very interesting list. One could say that the things on this list is the God's given truth and other's could say blasphemy!! You be the judge. Are we that far apart in our worlds, Men.....Women? Here are a few that I thought were interesting enough to share with you. Read on and let me know what you think.
  • An unsolicited kiss is to a woman as free playoff tickets are to a man.
  • Women, much like men, are human, and thus appreciate it when you ask them questions about themselves.
  • While the occasional quick love bite is, in context, welcome, that incessant animal-in-a-leg-trap gnawing: no.
  • The small of the back, the nape of the neck, behind the knees.
  • As a rule, women don't like heels.
  • Getting back to kissing: more lip. Less tongue.
  • On PMS: The fact that she knows hormones are causing her temporary crankiness doesn't make the feelings any less real, so cut her some slack.
  • At those times when she criticizes your mood, it's okay to remind her of how you always cut her some slack on PMS days.
  • Don't kiss and tell, even if you're really proud of yourself.
  • Never ask a woman why she's mad at you, as she will only get madder at your not knowing.
  • Should you hit it off with a woman, perhaps think you are soul mates, and fall into bed in an unclothed, heavy-breathing, romance-novel tangle, and, in the heat of it all, she moans, "Daddy," do not even attempt to put your pants on until you are in the car.
  • The idea of love at first sight, though attractive to women in theory, terrifies them in practice.
If you want to read the entire list, click here!

Ladies, what do you think, is this list on point? What would you add/take away? Men, did you learn something? Or would you say you already knew?


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    But what if he asks you to call him ‘Daddy’? I’m nothing, if not accommodating…

  2. Hi Mia, thanks for stopping by! You have a very interesting thought, would you care to elaborate?

  3. ahhh why is our list so long, lol

  4. LOL, because there is so much to learn about us that the list could go on and on. The good thing though is that you don't need to figure everything out to be with her successfully.

  5. Hello, Lisa. In my opinion, you are a star blogger. Nay, you are a Blogging Star! You know what a Blogging Star needs? An award, of course. Please visit Into the Inkpot and claim your award.

    By the way, that list is long! I didn't even know there were that many things about us!

    "While the occasional quick love bite is, in context, welcome, that incessant animal-in-a-leg-trap gnawing: no."

    I had a guy that did that. Ha!

  6. Erina, again!! Another award given by another Star Blogger. Thank you!

    LOL...must have been painfully nice!?

    I'll come over to pick it up.

  7. So instead of me knowing 73 things, would you'all be happy if I only new 20 things. :(

  8. Lisa, your blog is just too great! I had to give you another award :)

    Rolando, you should know all 73. Then, come up with 20 more. That way we'll know you are dedicated.

    (Ha! Joke.)

  9. Anonymous12:27 AM

    The idea of love at first sight, though attractive to women in theory, terrifies them in practice.

    Yeah...it makes you wonder if he is the crazy psycho obsessed stalker type.

  10. Rolando ~ The question is would YOU be satisfied with only knowing twenty? It's a long list. I would at least shoot for half. Is that asking too much? :)

  11. Mrs. Grapevine ~ Crazy, Psycho, Obsessed, Stalker Type....hmmm, watching to much TV, are we?
    Just kidding lady!!

    I believe in it. And, no it didn't terrify me. I was all smiles, maybe b/c I didn't know what I was getting in to....lol!

  12. Hello Lisa..

    A really fun post to read. What a long list!

    U have got interesting articles and a nice looking blog to boot. Care for a link exchange? Pls leave a message at my discussion board once u have added me ok? Thanks! =)

  13. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I am always in training though never want to be totally trained. The cutting slack tip and the kissing tip are huge. Thank you!


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