When Ish Happens....

Can you say Stressed!!!

You know what's funny, I take life way too serious at times. Things always have to go a certain way, every things always got to be perfect. I end up overwhelming myself and become stressed. I wish I could be more relaxed and let my hair down, oh I have no problem doing that literally, but emotionally I'm just not there...yet!

I'm a perfectionist at fault. When things don't go my way...well let's just say I end up apologizing. Worse yet, taking on the Samurai worriors Spirit, and I know just where to put the sword.

What can I say I'm a work in progress. Not perfect (yet)!

But you know what? My children will never see anything other than perfection, because to them I AM MOMMY and that means the world to them. I am here, steady, and available for every scrape on their knees, every new word they want to read, every good and bad dream, EVERYTHING!

And to D. you can find out here what I mean to him. In my own words though - I'm here to stay until our last day.


  1. It's ok for the kids to see you N
    OT perfect ... and then see how you handle that with grace/ That's a good lesson.

    No one is perfect. It's ok if you are JUST Lisa! And JUST Mom. :)

  2. Sindy, it is good to know that our kids don't need perfection, they just need YOU!


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