Thursday's Thought of The Day - Your Best!...#4

My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

~Oprah Winfrey


  1. That is a great thought!

    In response to your question on my blog, what we call a "slumber party" is a conference session on Yahoo! Messenger where several people can chat and have a good time. It usually goes 3-4 hours, depending on how many people join in and how tired we all get LOL You can email me at karen6977(at) if you have further questions.

    Have a great day!

  2. Wow!!! I'm glad I took time to visit you just to find so many interesting and colorful posts Lisa!

    Cool, I'm impressed.

  3. Thanks Karen. I think that's a neat idea. Hope you ladies have a blast!

    Nellioness, how was your birthday? Hope you lived it up.
    Stop by anytime. I always love a good visit by one of my favorites. Keep up the good work, I have you on my reader.

  4. That's a great saying by this great woman. I wish we can all really get it, we'd all be so happily succesful in our lives. Not only material wise, but succeed in our relations with others and this world itself.

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I'm happy for you.


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