Organic, Vegan Lifestyle, Fast Food - Super Size Me - Raw For 30 Day!?

This is our third week of school and this morning I started the kids off with a video that D. found for us called Super Size Me. We've been studying the differences of eating healthy vs. not eating healthy and the consequences of both.

Two weeks ago we watched a video that I came across on Opal's website called Raw for 30 Days, which is a show based on reversing full blown adult diabetes and the use of Insulin in 30 days by using only raw & natural foods. The documentary was tested on Americans (Men & Women) who are over weight, and have been on Insulin for some time. The results are amazing! You should take a look.

These two videos go right along the lines of our commitment as a family to become aware of the food we choose to eat. A couple of years ago we were successful in switching our food choices to plenty raw and organic foods and in doing so we saw some positive results. More energy, less mood swings, regular movements (yes I said and other positive things as well. However as some of you may know, it can also be very expensive so we had to cut back. Just recently we've been in a better position to even consider going organic again and started to discuss the idea of becoming Vegans, which will be no easy task, but we are considering.

This is the kind of education we thrive on for our children. We provide them with the best options now so they can make better choices for themselves and their families later.

Take a look at these short clips Super Size Me & Raw For 30 Days (if you haven't seen them already), they are worth a look.

What's your opinion about the whole eating healthy trend? Organic, Vegan, Fast foods, is it important to you?

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  1. When I met the Love of my Life she was dabbling with the concept of Fruitarianism. Everything she ate was either a fruit or was still alive in some way. It's a tough diet and we soon slipped away. We are now mostly vegetarian (she - 100%, me - 96.4%). Since you have growing kids, I'd be careful. Vegetarian might be possible, but make sure they get lots of protein -- rice and beans, tofu, that sort of stuff.

    We have salads maybe 80% of the time. We NEVER buy salad dressing. We almost always use the following classic vinaigrette recipe:

    After you've put all the fixings in a salad bowl sprinkle a little olive oil on top. Not a huge amount of olive oil. The principle is that you just want to coat each item, not soak them to death. Use the best olive oil you can afford, at least extra virgin. If you can't afford fancy olive oil, that's OK, you'll get used to your choice.

    After you've tossed the oil and salad fixings, add salt, pepper, garlic and tarragon. That's all. Nothing more. Just a small ball of tarragon, which you crush at the last moment before you throw it in the mix. Stir these things around so they have a chance to touch each part of the salad.

    Add JUST A FEW DROPS of vinegar. I prefer balsamic vinegar, but any vinegar will do. Even just plain old lemon juice. Remember, just a few drops. Stir everything together so every piece of the salad gets exposed to every bit of oil and vinegar.

    That's all. Eat and enjoy. And never buy another bottle of that horrible, preservative-laden salad dressing again. Use the money you save in a good cause!!!

  2. Anonymous1:36 AM

    A biblical diet also helps. The bible provides great eating habits, and foods to stay away from, as well as foods that heal.

    My mom just died of cancer, and I learned that we all have cancerous cells. What we put into our bodies can determine the severity of disease. Processed foods are not good for us at all. We need to stick to the simplicity of whole foods. Lean Meats (fish or chicken) & Legumes, Fruits, and Vegetables.

    My problem is ice cream. I would be OK, if ice cream didn't exist. Especially Jamoca Almond Fudge from Baskin Robins, Cake Batter form Cold Stone Creamery, and Banana Pudding by Blue Bell.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This is a great post it's important to be mindful of the choices that we eat because in most cases it does have an affect upon us.

    My daughter has been vegan since birth. She's only eating freshly prepared meals. Occasionally I'll give her something processed but that is rare.

    The American Dietary Association, along with other organizations, has even come out saying that children ca be perfectly healthy on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

    I think most people forget that the world is mostly vegetarian. Westernized cultures are in the minority and ironically are health is worse than theirs about five years ago the USA ranked #100 when the WHO compared the healthiest nations. I cannot remember which country was number one.

    Check out Consumer Supported Agriculture in many cases the farms that participate offer produce a lot cheaper than your local supermarket. :-)

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    You should check out Breakthrough by Storm and Jingee they are raw vegans and are homeshooling their children. The video is almost two hours long. I originally posted it on my website last year. I found it on Google

  5. New York Dude, Thanks for the recipe. I will have to try that one and let you know how it turned out. How did you come up with 96.4% vegetarian? Is that something you just made up (for laughs) or are you sincere? Fruitarianism is new to me. I will do some research on it to learn more, thanks.

    Mrs. Grapevine, you and me both! Ice cream just became one of my loves, I didn't always like it though. I really enjoy Cotton Candy made by Brusters. We take the kids there for treats often.

    I am familiar with cancerous cells existing throughout our bodies and know the importance of not allowing them to grow.

    I read your post about your Mom passing away (sorry to hear that) it was why I started reading your blog. I enjoy getting to know who my fellow bloggers truly are through their personal life stories.

    Opal, I'm glad you stopped by. I was hoping you did. I will continue to follow you journey through your blog, you have brought much enlightenment to me and my family on our road to becoming a Vegan family.

    Thanks for the video link. I went to Google and found it. I will take some time to watch it when I'm not busy with the children, as you know it is two hours long :), and let you know my thoughts.

  6. Hey Lisa. Believe it or not, I'm semi-vegi and my sons are 100%. I live a pretty organic lifestyle, and have homeschooled my kids for years.

    I think you should check out Queen Afua's "Sacred Woman". It changed my life, and I think it contains a lot of useful information that you're looking at right now.

  7. P.S. "Supersize Me" was deep. It caused my oldest to become 100% vegetarian instead of about 80% (I don't know where I got that number either, haha)

  8. This is a question, so called experts never agree upon. I ponder what interesta these experts do have: fame, money, power - our serious research and advice.

    We do prefere organic food, but here in Norway, it's hard to find in the stores. And we also buy "Fair Trade" when it's available.

    One rule, though, we eat after the weather. i.e. we have 4 distinct seasons. And the temperature and the weather changes very often in these seasons. Which can mean it's hard to plan dinner on a weekly basis. Therefor we buy very different kind of food, then look at the weather and prepare food thereafter.

    But one thing is for sure: Fish never fails.

  9. hmmm, i dunno. from the looks of the comments i'm probably the worst eater here LOL. i am not a veg, nor do i want to be. my belief is that no food is "bad" or evil...well, let me say that no natural food is evil. meat is cool, but it shouldn't be all that you eat, just as i (EYE) feel like we didn't last millions of years on fruits and berries alone. a balanced diet is a must...and yes, that can also include ice cream.

    over the course of the summer i started the fat smash far i'm down like 20lbs. the diet tried to get you off any addictions you may have to sugar, refined carbs, and for the first 9 days you detox. after that you add in lean meats...and so on and so forth...

    i definitely think all this fast food & hormones in food is causing us to get all sorts of diseases that weren't around back in the day when you grew your own isht.


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