My Hero...

Two Thursday's ago it was D.'s birthday and let me tell you what an incredible Man I have. It was his birthday and he decides to surprise me with a trip to the Salon. He hung out with little j. while I spent 3 hours in the Salon. Every now and then this is the kind of thing that he does for me, just because and it reminds me of what I have in him.

I haven't been to the Salon since little j. was born and that's been 8 months now. I really needed my hair done (colored, permed and trimmed) and he knew how badly I've been wanting to go. It's not easy leaving your breastfeed baby for many hours at a time. Those things I've just accepted had to wait until my babies got a little older to go more than 3 hours without nursing.
His Mom came over to stay with the kids so it was a perfect time for us to spend together celebrating his day. We eventually did, just after my appointment.

Do you know what it means to have someone who you can call on and they will be there for you whenever you need them to be. Someone who encourages you to be you, in spite of yourself. Someone who cherishes you like you are the very air that they breath. Someone who supports you when you need it most. Someone who believes in you when you don't. Giving all of this unconditionally, not looking for anything in return.

-This to me is the meaning of LOVE!

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  1. Anonymous7:25 AM

    That's a great definition and what a nice gift that he gave to you. :-)

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sweetheart thank you for your wonderful comments, and for taking the time and space in your online world to talk about lil ole me.

    I Love You more than ANYTHING! And what can a man do that effectively demonstrates ANYTHING? I am constantly perplexed by the heights and depths that must be reached in order to show you just what that means to me.
    The moon, even on its brightest night is nothing more than a reflective of the sun. You are my sun - and I am a Hero because You Are A SuperHero!

  3. Opal, wasn't it? :)

    My Love, Mwah Mwah Mwwwaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    What a sweet husband you have- truly a blessing! Hope he had a very Happy Birthday (which it sounds like both of you did)

  5. That is Agape love.
    To be able to love and not look for anything in return. You are blessed.

  6. Yolanda - it was great!! Thanks for visiting me!

    coloredgirlswhohaveconsidered - Thank you!


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