Tagged Again!! Who Is Lisa C??

I've been tagged by Dariana over at Charmed and Dangerous to list 8 random facts about me.

The Rules:
List 8 random facts about you.
Post these rules along with your 8 random facts.
Tag 8 other people and notify them that they have been tagged.

1. My parents had 4 children, I am the only girl.

2. My favorite color is purple.

3. I want to adopt one day.

4. I've known my husband since we were seven years old.

5. I love to dance.

6. I want to travel to India.

7. When my children are a little older I plan on studying Naturopathy.

8. One of my favorite drinks is an Apple Martini.

Now, it's your turn:


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  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    i think its really sweet that you met your husband when you were only 7 years old... <3

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I think that is sweet also.
    It's nice getting to learn more about you. I've always wanted to travel to India, and eventually I will.

    How cool that you want to study Naturopathy. I'm working on my Masters and eventually my PhD in that field. I'm not sure if I can complete mine today. My daughter has two of her playmates coming over today so I highly doubt that I'll get any work accomplished. If I don't complete it today I will do it tomorrow.

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Very interesting learning more about you. 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 also describe me! :)

  4. Jamie when I stop and think about it I am amazed at that fact!

    Opal I didn't know we had #8 in common. I wish you the best with your studies. I checked out your 8 random facts and found out we both like skydiving, really cool!

    Yolanda, you have great taste! (#8)!

  5. Wow, you are one interesting gal! I thought I was with my husband forever, you got me beat~!

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Oh my god, I can finally see this post! I still had to use a proxy to see the website but at least it is a good proxy and I can make a comment.

    Hey, I want to go to India too! And how sweet that you met your husband when you were only seven. Wow, talk about mating for life.

  7. wow since 7? That is so nice!

  8. Hi Sincere~ Yes, it's been that long since I've known him, but it took me long to figure it out. We didn't hook up until many years later, I'm glad we did! Thanks!!


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