And The Word For The Day Is....


You know things have taken a turn for the worse if you children and husband look at you crazy every time you sit down at the computer. Yikes! What happened?? I know what happened. Mommy has found a way to do what she loves (writing, meeting people, starting potentially long lasting friendships; nothing wrong with that...right?). Of course not, can be when it's interfering with my #1 priority which is my family!

Everything is moving so fast! It's time for me to slow down and evaluate where I am and where I am going. How can I get to do the things I love and take care of what and who I need to take care off. There is so much advice on how to do this, like these Women over here at Modern Mom, they seem to have some answers. And, this one (Working Mom), that may help too.

When it comes down to it, like my husband always says, you gotta be like Mike and just do it. Do what? Take a good look at the picture you have created. Decide whether or not this is the picture you wanted to paint, if not, then pick up your brush and colors and paint another picture.

Being a Mother of five has not been an easy task. I have my not so good days and nights. Like last night. I thought little j. would never go to sleep without wanting to be attached to me. I would put him down and he would pop right up. I just had to give in and fall asleep with him being attached to me. What am I his pacifier?

Crossroads are beautiful places to be in life, aren't they?


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Yes Lisa, you are his Binky, didn't you know?

    Mine definitely thinks I am his.

    5 kids, I still can't believe it.

  2. You really have a lot going on lady. I know I get so hooked on my computer some days! I guess we could be into worse stuff right? Hey, moms need some enjoyment sometimes!

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    It can be tough although my daughter "knows" I work at home at times she doesn't really get it. I spend a lot of time with her, but I also have to spend a lot of time with my business. It can be extremely challenging to make it all fit, but I'm doing it.

    I regularly take breaks throughout the day, and I'm usually working outside with her as she plays. I chat with her and stop to join in on the fun. Yes my workdays are a lot longer, but it's worth it.

  4. Yemi, I believe it! There is no turning back!

    I agree with you Sheliza, girls just wanna have fun, just not on their time.

    Opal Momma do your thang. She's lucky to have you!


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