The Road Ahead!

The end of another day. Whew.....!
I have come to accept that it's impossible (right now) for me to finish everything that I set out to accomplish in one day. It takes a whole lot of patience and strength to raise five healthy kids. Healthy kids is the key word!
My children mean so much to me. They are why I am who I am today. Who knows where I'd be today if I weren't their Mother. Seriously.
You know, there are days that I am not so grateful for this life. I'm almost embarrassed to say that. But, it is what it is. On those days I lose in every way. I don't feel good about much, and it's very hard to see what's good.
Thankfully those days happen much less often now. I am happy that I can say that.
A few weeks ago D. & I sat down to watch 'The Secret'. And as a result from that day on my life has changed from what I knew it to be. The road ahead of me is a new one. It's unfamiliar, but good.
Take a look and see how your life can be changed!


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hi Lisa, just in case I don't get back by before Sunday, I wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    It's pretty impressive isn't it? The Secret is really catching on although it's nothing new under the sun I'm happy to see that the concepts talked about are receiving a lot of attention.


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