National Teachers Day?

Wednesday was National Teachers Day and my kids surprised me with a letter that just moved me. Here's what it said:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. C,

Thank you for being wonderful teachers for all of these 8 years. Not just teachers for School but teachers about life. We love you very much and thank you for helping us all of the time. You mean so much to us. You are special!
Happy National Teachers Day!!!

They told us that they were planning this all week. The funny thing about it is neither me nor D. had a clue about the day. It's just one of those things you know exists but don't pay much attention to. And then when you least expect it you're surprised like this. Thanks kids!


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    How thoughtful. Wasn't that a thoughtful way to acknowledge what you do? :-)

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM

    How incredibly sweet. That would completely make my day. Material things are fleeting but heartfelt words like that are truely a treasure.


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