I've Been Tagged!!

How cool is this, my first tag. I've been tagged by Dariana to list 5 reasons why I blog. Then I have to tag five other bloggers to do the same. So here it goes:

1. Blogging is a way for me to release my creative juices. When I write I'm in the "zone". It's FUN time. Me, my pen (in this case, my laptop..lol) and my thoughts. I have a demanding life and it can get crazy around here at times. Blogging is my Calgon.

2. It's a way for me to meet people. When I'm not blogging I'm reading other blogs getting to know people who I wouldn't have otherwise met before. It's a great outlet for a me being that I'm a stay at home Mom who doesn't have the time to get out and socialize as much as I would like. I've met some really amazing bloggers as a matter of fact I wrote about one just the other day.

3. It's good practice. I started writing at a very young age. I still have those journals in my private spaces at home. Who knows where all this writing will lead me one day. For now it's easier to journal this way so I grab the chance when I can.

4. Blogging is a way for others to get to know me. What I'm thinking, feeling, doing, want to do, what I like/dislike, who I like/dislike and the list goes on and on.

5. It's a way to stay in the "loop". I love what I do and the sacrifice that I'm making right now to be with my children 24/7, but one day my life will not be filled with cleaning little hands and blowing little noses (notice I said "filled" because I am looking forward to the life of being a Grandma), so it's important for me not to lose "me".

Ok, now it's their turn:



  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    OMG, what marvelous answers. And I love the way you said, "blogging is my calgon'. That just rocks! Thank you so much for doing this and if I had known you had never done a meme before, I would have hounded you long before now, lol. :-)

  2. I do love to blog, especially since I don't get to journal very often. Memes are fun, aren't they?


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