Gems In Motherhood

I'm done. Mommy time is over for the night. Right? Wrong! Why? Because I hear little footsteps running around upstairs. No, I want to blog. I want to get it off my chest.
Now what? "Mommy she won't go to sleep and she just ran into your room." My room where the baby is asleep.....oh NO!

Okay, interrupted (because Mommy time is never over) and frustrated I get up to see what's going on. I meet her in the hallway crying. Stop! Please be quiet I don't want the baby to wake up. She cries louder. I pick her up, run into her room, put her in her bed and say "quiet".

As I tuck her in and turn to walk away she says "Mommy can you sleep with me". Ugh! I reluctantly sit down on the bed next to her and begin stroking her hair and face. As she quiets down my mind starts racing on what I was writing about, hoping not to forget what I wanted to say. No matter how hard I try to hold onto the words they become all jumbled in my head and slip away. Nothing about what I was so eager to write about and share is making any sense. I'm done. I'm frustrated. I'm a Mom with five children who is also an aspiring blogger. Can the two really work hand in hand?

Right then I feel her little hand rub up and down my arm. It's so warm and feels so chubby. In that moment an overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. I smile and say to myself "that's it". That's what I'll blog about. I'll blog about the sacrifices of being a Mom and the priceless gems that come with it.
Thanks for helping me to see the gems again, Victoria.


  1. awwww, that was beautiful! (and true!)b

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I love that. Isn't amazing how a touch or words can make everything ok?

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    You captured that moment so beautifully- very well done!

  4. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Sweet, isn't it?


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