Well, we are 7 deep now. And this thing has been kicking my butt!!! Motherhood to me right now is..never ending loads of laundry, a sink full of dirty dishes (everyday), stains on my carpet, oopps, I missed the potty Mommy, "Mommy they won't leave me alone, "where's my cow..(that's what the baby says when he wants to eat), going out in public only to notice that I have stains on my clothes, ponytails (not that I don't think those are still sexy, just not everyday), walking around my bedroom going what's that smell?? Come to find out it's a dirty diaper that rolled off the bed and ended up underneath the bed..lol! Old fingernail polish on my nails and toes, and I swear I'm losing my memory, (now that's not funny). These are just a few things that came to my mind, but you know there are much more that I can list.

So let's play a little game. When you leave a comment add the first thing that came to your mind about Motherhood!


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