My Thoughts On Hip Hop...

Yesterday I tried to add a video to my blog. It didn't work. I'm not that savvy as yet, but I'm working on it.

Guess who has pink eye? Yup it's me. I can't remember ever having pink eye in all my adult life. I tell you the truth, start having kids and watch out you are prone to catching all kinda stuff.

D. and I watched a show on PBS called Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes. What is really going on?? We have just let all moral, integrity, and the love for our people go out the window. We have become so blinded by what we are seeing that we can't even see what it has become. The music we rock to today is different. The lyrics have changed into who shootin' up who, who doin' who, how much I'm makin', how much I'm takin'. And let's not forget the images *@#&$&[-@ (need I say more?)
We don't have cable tv and I'm glad. Ok, it was not always a choice not to have it but now that we do have the choice we choose not too. Hip Hop Is Dead according to Naz and I agree. Hip Hop today is blowing up and supporting all the wrong things. We need more documentaries like this one that will keep pounded in the issues at hand, make it important enough to be addressed and bring about change.

On another note D. is starting his blog. I can't wait to see what's going to jump off from it.


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