I've been spending the past few days trying to get organized for my party. It's been hectic! Everyone is starting to feel much better and I can finally think straight again.

I got the evite done and sent. About time. It looks really nice. I'm waiting for the replies to start coming in. So far I've gotten 4 replies and a few have viewed it. Some of the one's that viewed it and not answered I was expecting. You see it's not everyone's kindda party so I could understand if they looked at the evite and can't decide on how to respond. The choices are simple...1)Ooooh, I need this night out. 2)Ummm, still thinking about it. 3)Washing my hair. It's simple. But (there's that word) it's not as simple for them. You see, I was there before, where you are so dedicated to being a certain way that anything outside of that box is taboo. You're not supposed to touch it or come near it.

So you're probably thinking why in the hell did I invite them anyway well, one of the reasons is because I wanted them to get the full me. I'll elaborate soon. Another reason is because I think they'll have a hell of a time. We need to get out (as mother's) and let loose every now and then. It's good for us and our Man.
Now back to getting the full me. It's basically part of who I am. I like to have fun and enjoy myself. Sometimes being home all day can have it's wear on you. Shoot, I'll lose ME if I don't let it out.

Another reason was to get them thinking. Thinking about what?? Better yet WHO?? Ok, It's ME again. I want them to ask questions like who is Lisa. I didn't think she would be a part of something like this. Or even throw this kindda party. You must be asking what kind of friends do I have, huh? You know the kind. They are all over. The kind that would judge everyone because they think they're sinless or just perfect because they don't do "worldly" things. By the way clarify worldly for me??? Yeah...beats me too. Back to what I was saying. You know the kind, they judge everyone and yet who knows what goes on behind their closed doors.

We are all grown folk, and likes grown folk things and there is nothing wrong with that. My hope is that the people I invited don't run away and feel like they can't mingle with me anymore. That would break my heart.

But if they can't handle it I'll understand too. Everything and everybody is not for everybody. You know what I mean.....

aaahhh, had to get that off my chest!


  1. Good luck with your party. Sounds like you're mixing an interesting group. Let us know how it goes.


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