I feel much better today. It's amazing how a clean house can make me feel. How much it can effect my attitude. Our place is small for 7 people. We live in a 3 bedroom apartment now. It's tight in here and when things get out of place and disorganized it's even tighter. April 17th will be a year since the move. We had no idea where we were going to live until a few days before we had to move. It was tough...

D. was going to leave work early today. He already went in late because he had to pick up the kids perscriptions. Three of them were running fevers over 101. He's there for us so much and does his greatest not to let me down. The other day I mentioned something about a seat where you could sit your baby in even if he's not sitting up on his own yet. And what does he do, buys the thing last night. He said whatever will make my job easier. Like buying me an Ergo baby carrier. I've heard so much about it and wanted to get one way before the baby was born. We ordered it yesterday. Whatever will make my job easier! When I'm happy he's happy, and he knows this. Now I'm not saying whatever I ask I always get (like the diamond braclet I talked about last week :) , but if it's in his reach he'll try and get it.

I told him don't leave work that I could handle it today because I feel better. Knowing him he'll be here early anyway.

He's back in the car business, started in September. Our lives are slowly getting back to where we are comfortable and comfortable is good.

We haven't decided on dance class, but this week for sure we are taking off. We'll see what happens next week.


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