Stretching, Growing, & Just Being!

Any day now! That's what I've been telling myself to get back to blogging. It's been an upward hill for me.
I've been going through some growing pains....again. Oh my gosh! You know, I still haven't got that thing down packed. The thing of I can't be in control of EVERYTHING!!! What do you mean I can't? I amaze myself at how many times I repeat this lesson. Well with that said. I'm free to move on and let go of my struggle to be in control and just be in control of me. The way I respond to things happening in my life, my husband, children, family, and friends. Whew, that's entirely way too much to try to be in control of. Don't you think? I can be in control of my attitude, my love, my mind, my emotions, you know me.

Stretching and growing never seems easy when you're going through it, but when things come to a head and you let go of the very thing you have been trying to hold on to and just 'be' a sense of relief sets in. Exhaling always feels good!


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