Our Journey

Life is a journey that sometimes leads us through rough places...But the walk is so much easier when we travel beside one another.

That way we can reach out and find help when we need someone to lean on. It doesn't matter whose turn it might be or how much time it will take until the path becomes smooth again.

All that does matter is that we're there for each other and that we'll keep walking side by side wherever the road may lead us...

And I want you to know I'm at your side right now.

I just had to share this. These are the words taken from a card that D. gave to me last week. I needed it. This place where we are right now is tough. It's like swimming against the current. When I read the card peace came over me. D. tells me if I just keep rowing on my side and he on his we'll eventually see land. I said to him "I will rest in that". Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    You and D rock so hard! Fierce, fearless love is so BACK! Keep reppin'.

  2. Lisa,
    I like D. already. And he's right. Just. Keep. Rowing.


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