My Sunshine Has Come...

I'm just sitting here on this beautiful Sunday relaxing and listening to Angie in the background sing "my sunshine has come", love this song. It set's a melow mode.

Things are moving along with packing up the house. It's much easier than I expected. It helps being pretty organized.

I've finally gotten over the shock of being pregnant. There's no turning back, it's for real. I'm excited and so are the kids, they can't wait. I over heard them talking this morning about what they are going to teach the new baby. Tanisha said she'll teach them how to love. David said he'll teach them to do tricks, he loves flipping around and doing tricks. Gabrielle said she'll teach them not to throw things and listen to mommy and daddy. I just smiled, they didn't know I was listening. I'm happy they are happy.
My first appointment is tomorrow morning. I love the doctors I've chosen to deliver our babies. They deliver at NorthSide Hospital which is the countries busiest birthing center. Victoria was delivered there and the experience was wonderful. Wish I chose them for the others. Grandma will stay with the kids.
D. and I will take this opportunity to go see a movie. I hear that new Denzel movie is good, so we'll check it out at the drive-in.


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