
I'm looking around my house and it's now hitting me that we won't be here in a couple of weeks. It's not the fact that we are leaving that's got me a little nervous, it's the not knowing where we're going. I know it may sound strange not knowing as yet, but it is what it is. I know we'll be alright.

There are boxes and cluter everywhere. I'm getting excited. Watching the kids pitch in and do their share brings a smile to my face. They are excited too. Today they went through their toys to see what they could give away (freecycle) and what they would keep. They had a blast. Tomorrow there's more packing to be done, but we'll take a break to go to the library, something they enjoy doing.

I'm looking forward to this next phase of my life, of our lives.


  1. Lisa,
    I'm so excited for you and your family and the start of this new adventure.

    Thanks for stopping by,

  2. Thanks very much ladies. I'm encouraged.


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