Keep Moving....

We've had some beautiful weather lately and the kids have enjoyed every minute of it. I remember as a kid I used to love playing outside. I was a little 'tomboy', that's what I was called. I used to climb tree's and fences. I would play basketball, touch football because growing up in Brooklyn we didn't have much grass to play in. I used to love racing. We would do relay racing one on one racing and some how I would always win or be one of the best.

It's funny, that's how I like to look at my life today. Win or be one of the best in everything I do. With so much to do I've been wondering lately how can I be the best at it all. How can I always win.

Today however I realized that I can't alway win and be the best. I realized that I can just be my best.

Mothering-Absolutely the most rewarding job there is, although I may not see those rewards until years and years and years later. For now I at times feel unappreciated and even over-looked. Yet, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Homeschooling-Courage, courage, and more courage. I don't think the question of "are they getting all that they need"? ever goes away, but experience tells me they must be because they suprise me all the time with how much they know.
HomeBased Business-Now there's a challenge that I still haven't been able to figure out how I even fit it in. I've learned to do what I can and just keep moving.

Keep Moving!


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