Success.......Yes it Was!!!

The party was awesome!!! The food was great! We had mini-eggroles, sandwich roles, chips & dips, brocoli & carrots, punch, two bottles of Arbor Mist, little chocolate kisses that decorated the table, and mints to freshen up. Image The amount of food we had was just right. At first I was concerned with over doing it, but it worked out. Everyone enjoyed the variety. The house was decorated with pink balloons (one of my favorite colors), and wine glass candles that made the mood feel good. I got many complements on how nice everything looked. I want to say thanks to the ladies that took the time to RSVP me, it helped. Thanks to the ladies that actually came out and blessed the party with your lovely presence. It wouldn't have been the same without you. I hope it was fun, educational, and inspiring for you. We'll make sure to tell the ladies who didn't come they missed a good treat. Tracy did an outstanding job Image She set the mood, made everyone comfortable and relaxed ready to have a good time. Ladies, look out for the next party that I'm having early summer. It's going to be interesting to see how the hot weather spices things up. D., honey what can I say you are truly the best. Thanks for making sure everything was taken care of. From the food to the house to the kids. Here's a big one for you Image Image

For the women who are interested in hosting a party like this of your own. I have one simple advice, know your guests. Everyone has different levels of how comfortable they are with intimate matters. Some women are very conservative and go by what their moms and grandma's believed like, good girls don't have, don't talk about, and don't like sex or sexual things. Deep down however these same girls want to know about it, talk about it, and do it. This is a great setting to learn what you don't know. Then you have the conservative/liberal girls who do it, like it, and do it again, but act like they don't like it, act like the girls who do like it shouldn't, and talk against it. Deep down they want to be comfortable liking what they like openly. Then you have the liberal/liberal girls who talk about it, fluant it, slap it, flip it, and rub it down all in your face. Now, part of that is good, but then you run the risk of not knowing when, where, and what to share and who to share it with. Everyone is not there yet.

In cases like these I always remember this famous saying "In all things there is balance, you have to be still and let it come, when you do that you'll realize balance has been there all along". Image Ok, ok...I made that up...but it sounds good doesn't it? Image

Let me share this with you. About 5 years ago, my love and I were playing a game. It's called the "UN" game. The way to play this game is to pick a card from the stack, you have to read it outloud, and do 1 of 3 things: answer the question on the card, give your opinion, or ask your opponent a question. We were living with my parents and I was pregnant with Gabrielle. We loved spending time together so we grab a moment anytime we could. The game was on. We took turns back and forth. We were having so much fun.

Then the game took a turn. We turned a corner that we were familiar with but not. We treaded down this street on and off before. Not certain as to where it was going to lead this time, we decided with the help of the game we were going to hold hands a keep going. We took turns pulling cards doing what the cards said to do. The more and more we did this the further and further we journeid together down this street. To this day I can remember what we had on, where we were sitting and what we (more like I) was feeling. Let me tell you something. It was a turning point in our marraige. We never looked at each other the same again. I looked at my love with new eyes. That day I got more of who he really was. We were completely unashamed and free with each other. It took a game for us to tread upon grounds that we always wanted to tread but were never sure if it was going to be ok and accepted by the other. We have been building upon that day ever since and it's only gotten better. Hence, the desire to have a party such as this one. To allow a place where women can come and learn about this area behind closed doors. Take what they've learned and openly express it with their loved ones opening the communication to turn that corner and head down that street.
So, where was I.....What I believe is this. It takes a combination of all of the different classes of ladies I mentioned earlier to make you successful in being you. For the very conservatives, it's not a bad thing to hear the advice given to you by past generations, take it and expand on it. Collaborate what you were taught and what you feel inside and make it work. Remember the key is what you feel inside. Let her come out and add her opinion to the mix. For the conservatives/liberal, you are conserned with being judged because of what you like. First realize that you like it because it's part of who you are. Leaving that part out when dealing with others only makes you feel even worse for being you. Accept it, it's not going to go away, if you're not liked because of it you've got to move on and know that you are not the only one. By sharing that side of you you'll start to attract others who are just like you and will accept you for who you are. For the liberal/liberal ladies, heyyyyy girrrrrlll. Not too much. Sometimes you have to keep certain things to yourself Image you know what I mean. Hear no evil speak no evil see no evil. Image You've got to know when to turn it down and when to let the heat out. Balance it all. At times you've got to hold it in Image and at others you can certainly shake what ya mama gave ya Image . Be Wise About It!
Slumber Parties is for everyone. You'll have lots of fun, education, tips and tricks. Be open and let yourself enjoy it all. My motto is, if you don't know ask. Tracy hosted mine she's really good if you want to get in contact with her just let me know and I'll make it happen. I ask only one things, please write and let me know how it was for you.
One thing remains common amongst us all, we all want to be FREE!
Lisa Image


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