Slumber Party on it's way.....

I've been very busy with the planning of my party. Things have been very hectic. I just had to stop this morning and say to D., take over please before I drive myself nuts. Image I love having parties and planning parties but when it comes to my own I would rather someone else take over. I have about 15 people so far and many more have yet to RSVP.

I have my outfit picked out, the food list is finally finalized, I still have to go to the store and buy the decorations and a few more things. The house still has to be cleaned which I have assigned jobs to everyone. Each of the children have their own part. We still have to figure out where and what D. and the kids will be doing. Our plan A was to have them hang out and my brothers house since his wife is coming, but my kids have all come down with runny noses. Can't take them to his house because he has 5 kids of his own. Plan B was to go to the drive-in, however, the party starts at 5pm, the drive-in does not open until much later. What in the world are they going to do.

Oh, another thing, I was completely oblivious to the fact that it is Super Bowl Sunday. I like football and watch it every now and than but I just didn't now. Being the "party" that it is kids are not allowed. Sorry to all the husbands who have to be with the kids while watching the game. Promise to make it up to you with all the wonderful things your wives will learn. Image


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