My Me Time...

I just love my Saturday's!

Saturday is my day, well not exactly the whole day, just the early morning until I say ok, they must need me now. I look forward to having my me time, with a busy house it's sometimes the only time I get. I haven't been able to take my Saturday in 3 weeks, we've been that busy. But this morning it was a must.

I usually go to one of my favorite book stores, Borders Book Store, and order a honey vanilla latte and something to nibble on. I find my spot right next to the window and catch up on 'Me'. This is when I catch up on writing in my journal because all through the week I only have time for one liners. I also catch up on grading school work, making calls, reading, writing down up coming events for the next week in my organizer, and a whole lot of 'clear' thinking. You know the kind you get to do when you don't have kids or hubby around who might interupt your thinking, just clear thoughts being allowed to flow.

But today I went to the library, which I enjoy as well. I go here when I miss a few Saturday's and I really, really need the peace. I couldn't eat inside so breafast was in the car this morning. The rain was coming down pretty heavy, something about it felt good it was peaceful everything seemed so still. After eating I prayed using one of my favorite books, The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian, it's like my second Bible. After praying I grabed my briefcase and umbrella headed inside to find my spot next to the window. Peace at last.

I couldn't do this a few years ago with D.'s schedule. He worked 12-13 hrs a day and on Saturday's he worked 8-9. He was in the car business and the hours are very long. He worked the business for 10 years holding different positions. These last few years he held the position of desk manager, and let me tell you. If you thought 12-13 hours was long try 12-13 hours then brought work home with him often. It was tough on everyone. He left before the kids got up and came home when they were in bed. On many days I sounded like a broken record saying "not know children Daddy is tired". My heart ached.

On the flip side it has been tough financially because he left, but worth every minute of it. The bottom line is we will do
whatever it takes for him not to have to go back. It's not worth him being away from his family and missing out on our childrens most important years. It's also allowed us to have a life again. Can you imagine in the beginning when Saturday's came around we didn't know what to do with ourselves because he hadn't been off on Saturday's in years. Well it didn't take us long to figure it out and part of it is my 'me' time. It's been great.


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