My First Love & My Sanctuary

Anthony Hamilton's song is playing in the background (my first love) and the mood is set. I'm on the phone with my mom (well my mother-in-law, I call her my mom). She just spoke at a women's conference with over 1oo women. She tell's me she just spoke from her heart. Many of them came to her after it was over with tears in their eyes because they were touched by what she shared and how it helped her.

My mom has been such an inspiration to me. From my mothering, to my homeschooling, to my marraige, to my friendships, to my relationship with her. I never thought much about my relationship with my mother-in-law before I got married all I remember are some of the horror stories I was told. Things that I had to let go of. Well, I thank God for my mother-in-law, she's been there for me. We have a very close relationship. It's open, honest, and loving. I'm able to share without being judged. I can be me.

Now, for my place to get away in my thoughts. My mind just goes and my fingers follow. I'm free, with a few interuptions (my house being full all the time it's hard not too). This is my place. After feeling like I don't have anything for myself, I have blog!

Happy, Happy Birthday to my 4 year old sweetie!!! It's Gabrielle's birthday today!!!


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