The Beautiful ~ Mrs. Coretta Scott King!

A Celebration of her life, it truly was. Her funeral was held today at New Birth Cathedral. The church D. and I were members of for many years. Dr. King and Coretta's youngest daughter is an Elder there. It was one, if not thee most incredible funerals I've ever witnessed in my life. Many people were present but it was the quality of it all that made it great.
Four President's were in attendance. President Bush and his wife Laura, former President's Clinton and his wife Hilary, President Bush Senior, and President Carter. They all spoke and spoke well. I was a little disappointed with all the praise they got when they approached the pulpit, it almost felt like a Presidential debate, but things were quickly put into check as the Clinton's and Carter spoke. Mayor Shirley Franklin spoke with power and conviction. I felt her strength as every word came out of her mouth. Sister Shabazz (Malcom X' first born) touched my heart with her compassion and love for Mrs. King. Dr. Maya Angelou's words of wisdom always runs deep within me and draws me in. Michael Bolton's sang a song that was written in dedication to Mrs. King and it moved me, I've always liked his voice and music. Sister Miriam Fawaz (member of New Birth) and Ms. Juandalynn R. Abernathy (Ralph Abernathy's daughter) sang songs with depth, emotion and praise. They are both opera singers with beautiful voices.
This is just a lists of a few of the guest that were asked to share of themselves and I'm sure they were honored in doing so.

I don't know how much of an impact this day is going to have on my life. I do know however that it will be great. I want to share a few of the things I picked up that meant something to me about this phenomenal woman.
Coretta always paused before she spoke. So often we speak too soon and wish we could reel those words back in. I, like Mrs. King, will make this a daily practice for myself to better myself.
Coretta always smiled. It took me many years to believe I had a beautiful smile. I would hear it all the time but I chose not to believe it. Now I do. This will remind me to do it more often. I hear it's contagious Image . Coretta stared intimidation in it's face, this was mentioned by many today but it by stood out to me when Mayor Franklin said it. I will remember this anytime I sense fear wants to arouse itself in me. I will remember Mrs. King.
Coretta kept going and got stronger by the day. To me this means, I'm human and I will make mistakes and bad decisions, I will get tired and want to lay down, and I will become afraid and want to quit. The important thing to remember is that giving up is not an option and was not an option to Mrs. King. Yes, she made mistakes and bad decisions, got tired and wanted to lay down, became fearful and wanted to quit. Her decision to rise and keep going was all that she had.

Last but not least, Mrs. King loved hard and it came back to her. This was evident in her celebration today. Everyone, from knowing her personally to knowing her from afar all lloved her. I will remember that no matter what happens to me in life, whatever hardships comesmy way, whatever wrong I've done, I will remember that Love will overcome all of that and more. What an incredible woman!
My Poem to Coretta Scott King~
Coretta Scott King ~A Woman of Beauty, Strength, and Courage.
She was an inspiration to many, a gift of poise and beauty.
One can only imagine what it took to walk in her shoes, only she will know, but how could she refuse.

She was destined to be who she was, all the while not forgetting Who's she was.
Remembering that, must have helped her,
such an awesome woman with depth and character.
Her many responsibilities never made her quit, she kept going with every bit. Every bit of strength every bit of might every bit of power and every bit of sight.
Sight that helped her never to loose focus on what she had to do, for the many who needed to see the truth.
She needed all to know that they were not alone, one day you'll be free and that's HIS promise for you and for me.
As Mrs. king leaves us in body not in spirit, she will live on and don't you forget it.
God's Love is for everyone, He gave it to you when your life begun.
Lisa Image


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