Things are steady moving 3!

These past few months have been enjoyable for me. I've recently reunited with my family. I talk to my Mom & Dad on a regular. We hadn't spoken in years. It's been good being able to pick up the phone and just say hi.
Victoria is hanging out late tonight. She's on my lap right now. Twisting and turning, touching things she shouldn't be touching. She just grab my pen and pad and calls herself writing. It starts at a young age you know. I think she'll be great at it. She's so brave.I know she can't wait to get on the laptop and do what I'm doing. The pitter patter of the keys are so intriging to her. I wish she'd just fall asleep already. Sleepy head! Image
D. is reading an article on Jay-Z and Camron. D. feels that Camron is just trying to sell a record he has coming out. "His whole idea about coming after J is stupid". He hasn't read J's angle on it as yet. Can't wait to hear his opinion on that. He's so attractive when he's giving his opinion. He's a Jay-Z fan to heart. He admires the man and the courage of the man.
The other kids are fast asleep. They had a great day today. Tanisha's friend had a half day in school today so they got to spend the rest of the day with her. That's one of the beauties of homeschooling, the flexibility in having your own schedule. Tomorrow Daddy will be handling the majority of schooling. I'll be going out to one of my favorite quite spots to get some much needed reading and writing done. I usually take my time on Saturday mornings, but D. has a meeting this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it as usual.
Lisa Image


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