Loving me helps me to love everyone else!

Purple is my favorite color. Dancing helps me to burn. Listening to music feels so gooood. Posing for the camera, good. Laughing, I just love. Helping is something I just do. Caring is what comes naturally. My being is a work in progress and will forever be. These are just somethings about me.
Today was good. Some things we had working are coming together nicely. The days are pretty full between teaching and running our businesses. We amaze ourselves at how well we manage it all. Tomorrow is going to be another full day. Tanisha will be volunteering her time helping her Grandma at her booth, pass out fliers and some other material regarding her book. I think It'll be a great experience for her. She's looking forward to it. I know she's ready now for that kind of exposure.
Grandma wrote her first book!!!! Yeah!!! "Hidden In Plain Sight". What a book. I'm so proud and happy for her. She's always had it in her and now it's here. You Go Girl!! The goal?is to reach the $1 million mark? by the end of the year. I just know we can do it.
As I'm sitting here writing I look over my shoulder and my husband is fast.... at work. Ha, you thought I was going to say fast asleep...gottcha! He is working on the new plan we constructed today. He's in a zone. I just let him be, sit back and wait for the harvest. He's brilliant like that.
I said when I started writing 12:00 was my cut off time. It's now 12:25. I know I need to go to bed. My agenda is full tomorrow. Many things on the"things to do list". But, before I go I'm going to leave that review I promised.
"The Diary of A Mad Black Women"
I thought was a bit extreme at first. It was good, not great. The way he treated her in the beginning, I thought was unreal, basically for the movies sake. However, I know that those kind of things happen, but.. and I do say but, the woman sees it coming as clear as day. She was acting like she was clueless. Yes, I know she was in denial. So there again I say, for the movies sake it had to be dramatic right off the bat. Towards the middle, I couldn't understand why she left ole boy standing there when he asked her to marry him. And didn't see him again until 3 weeks later. How folish of her to go back when everything she'd ever wanted was?right infront of her. Oh yeah, that thing called REVENGE. That's why she went back. Revenge is a killer, especially when you have the power of it in your hands. It boils down to a decision. At the end it was a happily ever after thing. And how about the crack head mother bursting through the church doors, hitting a note that any good singer would hit after practicing, singing like was there just yesterday. Come on man! There again for the movies sake!!!
Tyler was funny as always. The cast did a great job performing. Overall I would rate it 3 out of 5 stars. Hey, that's just my opinion.
Lisa Image


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