Favorite Eats!

We just went to one of my favorite places to eat. Sweet Tomatos-Love it! Healthy, healthy, healthy. The food is so good. Even the kidsenjoy it. They offer a variety of raw vegetables, pastas, soups, whole wheat pizza, muffins (very good), fruits, and deserts. When the kids are older I'd like to be able to spend more time in the kitchen cooking healthy foods.

Over the past 6 years we've been moving to more of a healthier diet. We've stopped eating red meat. We only eat fish and chicken (organic). We've also stopped eating all shell fish. Now that was hard for me because I used to eat shrimp like it was going out of style. Fried shrimp, sauteed shrimp, grilled shrimp, shrimp cocktail you name it I would eat it. It's been a year now since I've eaten any shrimp and I don't miss it. Basically we've stopped eating all seafood except cetain fish. It was actually easier to stop than I thought it would have been.

D.'s aunt has a flowing organic garden that's doing great. I just asked her to give me some help on starting my own. Can't wait!! We've also stopped eating white sugar and flour. The thought of us ingesting bleach just didn't sit well with me and D. So we've stopped. I could go on and on about healthy eating and living in this blog, but I'm getting ready to help everyone stuff fliers to drop this week.

We have over 1200 Image
fliers that we just picked up from Kinkos. We are going all over this week.We plan to drop fliers everyday-so homeschooling will be done in the van which the kids love to do. They like not having to sit in one place all the time. It makes learning fun and interactive.

Talk to mom tonight. She's doing well. She was watching a good movie on lifetime it had her distracted in a big way. Nonetheless the convo was good.

On another note. My friend, don't know what's going on with her. She hasn't returned my phone calls nor my emails. Some people just need their space and take it without notice. What's up with that? I know that she's been going through, but ever since I met her she's been going through. It's time to stop. That's what I told her. I also told her it's time to stop making excuses, stop depending on her pills to help her, just help herself. I think after that convo, she decided she didn't want to step up to the plate and play-so she's ignoring me. That's cool. I hope she'll come around and realize she needs more of me in her life or someone like me who won't tell her what she wants to hear but what she needs to hear. I hope! Image

Gotta Run...
Lisa Image


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