Man of The Hour ~ R.I.P The Over Weight Lover

Heavy D

Heavy D1

I remember bobbing my head and singing along to the over weight lovers in the house! Heavy D was one of the original rappers I grew up listening to who inspired me and many with his music.

My Honey shared this story with me yesterday that was posted on rapper Jay-Z's site. It's a dedication to Heavy D and a really great read I think you would enjoy. Check it out when you can.

Here is a video to one of my favorite Heavy D songs. It brings back so many sweet memories of back in the day. Do you guys remember, "Is It Good To You...OOOHHH I Like It!! 

~ Enjoy ~

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  1. It was so sad when I heard about him!

  2. I loved Heavy D! I was living in ND (Dad was in the air force at the time) when "baby got back" was released. I loved that song and embraced my rump proudly!

  3. Mrs. Pancake ~ I was in shock. So sad.

    JenJen ~ This is exactly the kind of positive influence he had on people. I'm glad you embraced your rump ;-)

  4. Heavy D's music had such a feel good vibe. Listening to his music this week brought back wonderful memories.

    Hearing of his death was very heart breaking.

  5. Still shocked over Heavy's untimely death.

    Thanks for sharing the link.


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