Word{ful} Wednesday #54

Field trip to the Apex Museum with our Homeschool Group!
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Yesterday’s fieldtrip was to the Apex Museum located on Auburn Ave. in Atlanta. If you’ve never been, it’s a must see exhibit. The kids and I learned so much about our history as a people, the great kings and queens who ruled and built nations full of culture and royalty. Our tour guide was wonderful in the way he handled all the different ages in our group. I loved the way he taught all of us to change the way we have been taught to say,
“my ancestors were slaves”, to my ancestors were enslaved people. Wow!, what a difference it makes when it’s communicated that way. One of the best exhibits to me, was the Timeline where the kids learned that our ancestors made the first mathematical calculator and that Africa was first named Alkebu-Lan. The Museum is located in the heart of “Sweet Auburn”, one of history’s wealthiest black populated neighborhoods. It is also the birth home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The pictures that I took are only a fraction of what the museum actually has to show and offer. In one section you can enjoy a couple of short films, one on the history of Sweet Auburn. My kids had a great time and we are looking forward to visiting the museum with their Daddy soon! 
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  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    This was wonderfully done. I'd like very much to share this experience. The coup de gras for me was "an enslaved people". a very empowering statement that I would make a permanent part of my vocabulary. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Museums are great ways to experience a whole new culture and to learn. I loved it because it got me out of the house, away from textbooks, and I got some "hands-on" experience.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  3. I am a huge fan of museums...it's probably because History was always my favorite subject in school!

  4. Sounds like a great museum! I love museums that are chalked full of information like that. Plus the fact that I have always liked reading and learning about history.

  5. I've never been to the Apex Museum. I think I may try it out in Spring.

    I am such a huge fan of home school groups. My aunt is looking for one in the Memphis area if you have any connections.

  6. WOW! I would love this! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Anonymous ~ Absolutely agree with you. We have already incorporated it in to our vocabulary, we wouldn't speak of it any other way now.

  8. Bonnie ~ We love our field trips! This is exactly how our kids prefer to learn. This is exactly why we chose to Homeschool them as well.

  9. Bravoe Runway ~ You too!! History and Literature were my absolute favorite subjects in school. I think my kids are all History lovers as well. Just today we traveled to China and learned so much about the history of rice and how important it is to the culture. It was a very good lesson!

  10. Ross ~ It is a great Museum! I'm also a book junkie, love to read and study. Read any good books lately?

  11. Dr. Reginia ~ I will be a well worth it trip! Looking forward to hearing your opinion about it. I unfortunately can't assist you in any personal connections in Memphis but if you send your aunt to this site http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com/groups_activities.asp?nm=Tennessee&st=TN she might find a fit for her and her kids.
    Let me know if that helped.

  12. Jeannee ~ You're welcome!! Glad you enjoyed this post!


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