A Sigh Of Relief

I’m holding on so tight that it’s slipping through my fingers. I’m watching it as it happens right before my eyes but still, don’t. want. to. let. go.

Everything in me is fighting to let go but yet fighting to hold on. These two sides living in me are tearing me apart. But yet, still, won’t let go.

I experience both sides, the joys of letting go and the sadness of holding on. I can’t breathe but neither can you.

But wait! I’m going to get to the bottom of this, that I am for sure.

Digging Deep, Digging Deep.


Highly functioning people look for solutions. They are known as solution oriented people.

The greatest priority in life is the ability to enjoy it. People who know how to do that; how to take each day that they are alive, and go through it and enjoy it are never a burden to anybody else. This is the least selfish thing that you could ever do in your entire life. ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

I aspire to be and do just that.

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  1. wow that was an amazing post; i can relate to that feeling totally, especially when it comes to a recent relationship i had to cut off

  2. Wonderful writing!

    Following you from MBC...

  3. Hey Mama!
    The hardest fight is one against or with yourself.
    But for better or for worse the winner is always you.
    Peace & Love!

  4. Good word, Lisa. May God bless you for blessing me when I stop by.


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